Evolving Your Business with Innovation and Creativity
United States of America
How to Use Design Thinking to Innovate Faster, Better and More Effectively
Cultivating Creativity
Multiple (2)
Blended, Virtual Classroom, On-site
Engaging Employees in Today’s 8-12 Second World
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, On-site
Strategic Thinking Leadership Practices for Innovative Organizations - In House
Advanced level
Starting Your New Business
Multiple (2)
From 799 CAD
Virtual Classroom
AI Prompting Certification
Self-paced Online
Multiple (3)
From 399 CAD
Virtual Classroom
Working Across Cultures
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, On-site
Creating Business Results
United States of America
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Beginner level
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, On-site
Blockchain for Financial Markets
From 4,000 USD
Multiple (2)
Classroom, Virtual Classroom
AI Prompting Certification (Corporate)
United States of America
Creating a Truly Inspiring Project - In House
Intermediate level
Certified Social Media Manager
From 200 USD
Self-paced Online
Certified Social Media Manager (Corporate)
United States of America
Business Innovation: Testing Business Ideas
Essentials of Business Process Mapping
From 150 USD
Self-paced Online
Scenario-based Strategic Thinking: Deepening Wisdom, Reducing Risk
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, On-site
Lazy Person’s Guide to Creativity & Business Innovation (4 hours)
Multiple (2)
More About Business Innovation Training Courses
Turning an idea or new product into a value-added prospect to the business is an exciting endeavor. That said, innovation is not a simple process and turning an idea into a real, tangible business innovation is a road fraught with obstacles. Innovation requires a great deal of effort and time. It is the process of not simply recognizing a need that’s going unmet but determining the exact steps that the organization must take to meet the need, as well as preparing for potential challenges along the way.
Business Innovation Training and Creativity
We all get stuck in a rut within respective departments and responsibilities, unable to see the potential for change or growth around us. In these situations, business innovation requires that organizations take an important first step to encourage the fostering and growth of creativity. There are several training providers that offer onsite or in-house programs designed to enliven and engage. Find a corporate training provider offering creativity or innovation events and get your people thinking differently.
The Difference Between Creativity and Innovation
It’s clear to see how innovation is different from creativity. While creativity is an important part of the way we work and live, it is not always the springboard for progress that innovation can be. Creativity is described as the potential to create new ideas, but does not set the methodology or processes involved in turning those ideas into reality. Innovation, on the other hand, is the process that follows creativity. While approaches to innovation are commonly tailored to the company or determined on an industry basis, the general approach include:
- Seeing
- Understanding
- Differentiating
- Leading
- Modeling
- Growing
Recognizing these steps and learning to utilize them is essential for professionals hoping to grow both themselves and their organization. Take part in business innovation training to take the step from creating to innovating.
Disruptive Innovation
Also referred to as revolutionary or discontinuous innovation, disruptive innovation is the development of a product or technology that is separate from any preexisting technology or process which creates new markets. Through the introduction of totally new products or services, organizations are in a position to revolutionize an industry. But while the potential value of disruptive innovation is hard to fathom, the risks and associated costs of ineffective approaches are easy to imagine. Training in business innovation, especially concerning the right approach for revolutionary innovation, can therefore be extremely valuable. Search from the training providers listed above and find the training option in business innovation that you need to propel your organization in a new direction.