Professional Course

Emotional Intelligence: The Keys to Working More Effectively with Others

Pryor Learning, Online
1-Hour Webinar
199 USD
Next course start
4 September, 2024 See details
1-Hour Webinar
199 USD
Next course start
4 September, 2024 See details
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Course description

Have you ever looked around your office and wondered why some people just seem to have the right response for the right situation? People who seem to handle stress with ease, while also showing sensitivity to the emotions of others?

Many people are familiar with the concept of an IQ, which measures innate intelligence. However, it is EQ — or emotional intelligence — that often plays an even more vital role in our success at work. Emotional Intelligence refers to your ability to recognize and manage your own emotions, recognize and respond to the emotions of others and build effective social relationships that support success at both work and home. The good news? Unlike IQ, which is generally fixed, you have the ability to develop your emotional intelligence. This one hour workshop will help you learn how.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

4 September, 2024

  • Webinar
  • Online
  • English

Course delivery details

  • Describe what emotional intelligence is, and recognize behaviors associated with a high EQ — or well-developed emotional intelligence.
  • The different elements of emotional intelligence, including different characteristics associated with self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management.
  • How to assess your own strengths and weaknesses within specific emotional intelligence elements.
  • Specific actions that you can take to develop the aspects of emotional awareness you most struggle with — with the goal of lowering stress, finding greater happiness and improving relationships at home and work.
  • What happens when you take any one element of emotional intelligence too far, and recognize the downside of overplaying any particular EQ characteristic.
  • How to develop an action plan for analyzing your own EQ, getting feedback from others and taking the actions needed to enhance your sense of confidence and well-being, improve your communication at work and build richer and more satisfying relationships.

Developing self-awareness promotes increased productivity and higher job satisfaction. Changing yourself can also change your perceptions of others — leading to improved communication, increased empathy and better interpersonal rapport and relationships. This webinar will help you identify the practical steps you can take to develop your emotional intelligence — for real and meaningful life changes.

Certification / Credits

Managers, supervisors, team leaders, individual contributors, administrative professionals and every other member of your organization can benefit from improved Emotional Intelligence.

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Pryor Learning

Founded more than 50 years ago when Fred Pryor pioneered the "one-day seminar", Pryor Learning has become one of the nation's leading corporate training providers, offering in-person and online training to millions of individuals and organizations — from small and...

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