Course description

How to Project Confidence with Demanding People
Powerful tactics help you communicate naturally yet assertively
Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet even people who are generally confident can buckle when facing powerful or demanding people.
The truth is that many who appear self-confident often aren't. The difference is that they possess a set of skills they can use when needed.
The good news is that you can come across as more self-assured in these situations, too.
In this webinar, you'll discover techniques you can use to project an aura of confidence that works in any circumstance, but especially when you're in the hot seat with demanding bosses and colleagues.
You signal your level of self-confidence in many ways: Your facial expression, your body language, how you speak, and what you say. This program shows you tactics you can use to get grounded and present yourself naturally, yet assertively, using both verbal and nonverbal techniques.
How You Will Benefit
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Recognize specific behaviors that define an aura of confidence
- Demonstrate how to communicate naturally yet assertively
- Apply assertiveness skills to common on-the-job situations
Upcoming start dates
Training content
- Tips and tactics for making a strong first impression
- What to do when you’re feeling intimidated
- Advice for enhancing your nonverbal signals and reading those of the person in power
- Ways to get grounded in any situation
- How to avoid “traps” that make you appear intimidated
- Advice for handling both planned conversations and “sneak attacks”
- Steps to prepare for meetings with demanding people
Course price for:
- Non Members: $199.00
- AMA Members: $199.00
- GSA: $199.00
Average rating 4.7
Very good, practical advice.
The training provided great information on one projecting their confidence.
American Management Association Company Info
The American Management Association, International (AMA) is the global leader in talent development. Founded in 1923, AMA supports the goals of individuals and organizations through a complete range of educational products and services, including instructor-led classroom and virtual seminars, webinars,...
This webinar, How to Project Confidence with Demanding People, provided a lot of great content! There were tips provided to help project confidence, and assessments to determine...