Android training

Develop your own app or stay up-to-date with the latest technology. Google’s Android is the most widely used operating system for mobile devices and over one million applications have been developed for use on this OS. Learn how to create your own app or learn more about this OS with Android training!
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Android Training Courses: Develop Your Own App

Finding a way to communicate your new and fresh idea on quite possibly the world's fastest-growing platform can be intimidating to say the least. Android training courses that outline approaches and best practice for developing Android applications are an excellent place to start. Many development fundamentals courses that talk about a variety of platforms outline general mobile development skills but spend significant time on Android development in particular. It's not hard to imagine why - with over one billion Android powered devices in use, there is a large population of potential users for your new app.

Stay Up-to-Date with the Newest Android Version

Understanding all the tools and features necessary to build a cloud connected Android app takes time. It can sometimes feel like a real challenge keeping up with the latest version of this ever evolving mobile operating system. Most Android training courses, whether fundamentals or advanced, offer an in-depth look at the latest version. Many also specialize in a given update, outlining the newest and latest features of Oreo, Nougat, and further back.

Android Training: Get Your Application Out into the World

It's not enough to simply know how to make an app. App developers and entrepreneurs are often a one person show. This means that they need to know how to do everything on both the technical and non-technical sides of creating mobile applications. When the app has been developed, much of the work has just begun. Find an Android training program that guides you not only in the creation of the applications but in the subsequent launch and marketing strategies. Consider looking specifically in other categories such as marketing and sales to learn more about getting your new product started off on the right foot.

Take Android Training Anywhere with E-learning

Android training courses in app development are almost perfectly suited for e-learning. What makes more sense then learning how to develop your mobile application while using a mobile device? E-learning providers also offer a great deal of flexibility, not only in terms of mobility but course payment plans. Many offer their android training courses on a subscription basis, allowing the user to take any number of courses from their catalog within a predetermined period of time. In this way the learner can cover all the steps necessary in creating a viable Android-based mobile application, all the way from inception to launch.

More Training Options in Web Development and Marketing

Many training programs that are suitable for development of an Android application are also ideal for other types of mobile and cloud storage-based applications. Consider searching in web development or graphic design to find more options to help further efforts in working with the Android operating system.