Professional Course

Survive the 10 Toughest Conversations Every Supervisor Dreads

Pryor Learning, Online
1-Hour Webinar
1-Hour Webinar
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Course description

In today's workplace, many employees seem to be guided only by their own personal standards. With the variety of personalities and philosophies that are brought together in any organization, supervisors and managers have a tough job on their hands. It can be very challenging — even uncomfortable — to confront employees about certain issues.

You've probably witnessed it yourself. Perhaps one of your colleagues was dressed inappropriately for work and you wondered why your manager didn't directly address the situation immediately. At the time, you thought, "It can't be that difficult".

Now you are the manager and you're the one responsible for addressing these kinds of issues. In your supervisory duties, you realize how uncomfortable and difficult some conversations can be. If you find yourself dreading these conversations or putting them off, you are not alone.

Avoiding a crucial dialogue can cost you and your organization time, energy and money. For every day that you allow to go by without confronting an issue, you risk declining productivity, decreased morale within your team and customer dissatisfaction. You also risk financial and legal trouble for your organization. If that isn't enough, the stress you feel each day you let the situation continue is excruciating.

Learn not only how to address these critical situations and endure the toughest conversations, but also how to end each encounter on a positive note. This one-hour webinar will equip you with the communication strategies and confrontation management skills you need to survive and thrive as a successful manager.

Are you confident that you can perform each of the following objectives?

  • I can identify and effectively guide problem employees to better results.
  • I can set quality standards to level the playing field for development and increased productivity of all employees.
  • I understand the challenges each of my employees are facing and have a plan to help them overcome these obstacles.
  • I am prepared to face tough discussions with confidence and I know what needs to be said and done.

If you're unsure about even one of these objectives, you need to attend this program to ensure you are helping your team function at an optimal level. You'll find this hour to be a worthwhile investment that can help you avoid costly employee turnover, improve team performance and eliminate negative employee confrontations.

Don't dread confrontation with your employees about their behavior, attitude and performance. Gain the skills you need to turn these situations into opportunities for enhancing employee development, building team morale and becoming a better manager.

You and your entire team will benefit from this informative and exciting one-hour webinar. Don't continue dreading difficult conversations with your employees — get great training that will have you earning the respect of your coworkers and successfully improving your team!

Course delivery details

  • Identify the underlying causes of a difficult situation
  • Develop an approach to address difficult conversations that results in a more consistent, positive outcome
  • Keep the conversation moving forward in a positive direction, even when the subject matter is sensitive
  • Plan for possible objection and prepare to handle it like an expert
  • Handle emotions, anger and tears associated with difficult conversations
  • And more!

Certification / Credits

HR managers, department managers, supervisors, those who are involved with employee development and anyone whose position calls for a greater understanding of the employee development process will benefit from this webinar.

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Pryor Learning

Founded more than 50 years ago when Fred Pryor pioneered the "one-day seminar", Pryor Learning has become one of the nation's leading corporate training providers, offering in-person and online training to millions of individuals and organizations — from small and...

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