Professional Course

A Crash Course for the First-Time Manager or Supervisor

Pryor Learning, Online
1-Day Seminar
149 USD
Next course start
1 August, 2024 (+7 start dates)
Virtual Classroom
1-Day Seminar
149 USD
Next course start
1 August, 2024 (+7 start dates)
Virtual Classroom
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Course description

You earned your new supervisor position … this training will help you make the most of it!

In your previous position, you did a great job. Yet, you're smart enough to know the skills that made you a great team player won't necessarily make you a great supervisor. For any new supervisor, training is key to success in this role.

  • It's not enough to follow directions … now you must give directions about what gets done, when, and by whom.
  • It's not enough that your projects are accurate and on time … you have to help others keep their projects on track, and see that everyone works together.
  • It's not enough to focus only on your department … suddenly you're a member of the management team. Your new peers will expect you to have a broader perspective, including other departments.
  • It's not enough to keep yourself motivated … you have to be a coach, cheerleader, and "strong shoulder" to people who have bad days, conflicts with each other, and other demands that you might not be able to satisfy.

Make your move into your new supervisor position smoother and more successful. Attend this one-day training seminar and gain all the skills and insights you need to lead with confidence and conviction, including:

  • How to start producing results right away
  • Ways to avoid the problems that sabotage many new supervisors
  • How to get the unvarnished truth about a new employee's position and performance
  • What it takes to get productivity from people who aren't used to you being "the boss"
  • How to size up your supervisor — so you can give better support and get more backing in return
  • How to increase your visibility and earn the respect your position deserves

Who will benefit most from this training?

  • New supervisors and managers with less than one year of experience
  • Aspiring and soon-to-be-promoted supervisors
  • Experienced supervisors with little or no formal supervisor training

Upcoming start dates

Choose between 7 start dates

1 August, 2024

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

6 August, 2024

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

9 August, 2024

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

15 August, 2024

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

21 August, 2024

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

26 August, 2024

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

29 August, 2024

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

Course delivery details

Learn to take charge of your new supervisor position

  • The first (and most serious) temptation the new supervisor faces — and how to resist it
  • Self-learning goals that will get you up to speed fast
  • What your supervisor wants (and doesn't want) from you in six key areas
  • Important questions to ask during the first week at your new job
  • The paperwork mountain: a two-step process to make sure you never miss a "must read" document
  • How to get off to a good start — seven specific guidelines that will help you earn respect right away
  • Tips for supervising former peers — and current friends

Find out how to achieve results fast

  • Bureaucracy-basher, expediter — and five more hats you’ll wear as a manager
  • How to assess:
    • your people so you can minimize their weaknesses and maximize their strengths
    • your team so you can adopt the appropriate leadership style
  • Four necessary steps to reduce your staff members’ resistance to change and motivate them to do more
  • Leadership errors: how to recover when you make a mistake
  • Six ways to achieve personal excellence as a leader

Discover ways to develop your employees

  • What you should delegate — and what you must not
  • How to delegate work and ensure it’s done right — without meddling
  • The delegation traps every manager must learn to avoid
  • What motivates employees according to them (Many managers have it backward. Do you?)
  • How to help your employees find more meaning in (and better connection to) their work
  • Five proven motivators and rewards to help your employees succeed
  • The basics of an effective performance evaluation
  • The most common causes of unsatisfactory performance and how to help your employees overcome them
  • Five critical factors in administering discipline, so you can correct behavior without destroying their motivation to change

Identify what’s needed to build confidence and competence

  • Management communication: skills for projecting authority and getting cooperation from your new staff
  • The five most important ways people communicate
  • How to recognize the "red flags" of body language
  • The power of a positive mind-set: where it comes from, how to get it, and how to keep it, no matter what's happening to you
  • The one key quality you can develop that determines your influence with others

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Pryor Learning

Founded more than 50 years ago when Fred Pryor pioneered the "one-day seminar", Pryor Learning has become one of the nation's leading corporate training providers, offering in-person and online training to millions of individuals and organizations — from small and...

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