Training in Tulsa

Find professional training and development in Tulsa. Known for its unique combination of cultures and friendly and welcoming atmosphere, Tulsa is a promising city, that is growing in wealth and population each year. Find in Tulsa to gain qualifications for personal and professional development
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More About Tulsa

Tulsa is currently the second largest city in the state of Oklahoma, and is continuing to grow in population. Tulsa has quite a central location in the United States, and therefore has played an integral part in many industries and movements across the country. Throughout the 1900s, Tulsa was one of the most prosperous oil cities globally, earning it the alias of “The Oil Capital of the World”. Today, Tulsa continues with its innovative spirit and continues to be one of the most successful cities in the United States. Consider training in Tulsa and taking advantage of the opportunities for professional growth in this city.

Oil and Energy in Tulsa

In 1901, the discovery of oil in a small Oklahoman community transformed Tulsa from a frontier town to a rapidly growing boomtown. In just two decades after the discovery of oil in the city, Tulsa grew from a population of around 10,000 inhabitants to over 140,000. Entrepreneurs from across the country fled to Tulsa to get in on the oil action, and Tulsa quickly became known as “The Oil Capital of the World”. Tulsa kept this title for most of the 20th century, until Houston, Texas became its titular successor.

Tulsa may no longer be the official Oil Capital of the World, but is still largely active and prominent in the oil industry. It would be more accurate to say that today Tulsa is prominent not only in the oil and gas industries, but in the energy industry as a whole. With sectors including natural gas, wind energy, solar energy, and biofuels, Tulsa has transformed yet again from an oil town to a “green town”. If a career in the energy industry interests you, then browse the available training in Tulsa and gain the qualifications to work in this sector. 


Although the oil industry has played a significant role in Tulsa’s economic history, various efforts to diversify the city has today resulted in quite a well-balanced economy, including prominent aerospace, technology, manufacturing, and financial sectors. Tulsa’s largest employer is in the aerospace industry and Tulsa manufacturing accounts for over 60% of the entire state of Oklahoma’s exports. Additionally, Tulsa has steadily increased economically as a city, making it the second ranking city in the United States regarding income growth.

During the recent financial crisis and recession, Tulsa experienced a loss in almost 30,000 jobs. However, Tulsa was quick to bounce back and set several plans in place to revitalize its economy. Today, employment levels in Tulsa have surpassed what they were before the recession, and the city sets a bright economic example for others to follow. No matter what industry you work in or would like to work in, consider training in Tulsa and moving your way up the corporate ladder in this up and coming city. 

Training In Tulsa

There are an assortment of training providers based in Tulsa. Courses are often offered as in-house or location based classroom courses. In-house training is a great option for companies who want to train multiple employees at one time. With in-house training in Tulsa, the training providers will come directly to your location and format the training to suit your individual needs.

Classroom courses, on the other hand, are a better option for individuals who are looking to take a course for personal reasons. You can search by start dates, length and price to make sure you find a course that meets your specific needs. Enroll in training in Tulsa today and learn the skills you need to succeed in any roll or environment.