VFD Essentials: Programming, Maintenance and Motor Control Troubleshooting
From 3,199 CAD
Multiple (4)
How To Analytically Troubleshoot Complex Electrical Systems with Deductive Reasoning
From 3,199 CAD
Multiple (7)
Advanced Electrical System Testing and Maintenance - includes Medium Voltage
From 3,199 CAD
Multiple (2)
Fundamentals of UPS and Battery Systems
From 3,199 CAD
Multiple (2)
Setting, Testing, Maintaining and Troubleshooting Electrical System Protective Devices
From 3,199 CAD
Multiple (2)
Understanding Low Voltage Electrical Systems For Non-Electrical Industrial Professionals
From 2,950 CAD
Multiple (2)
Essentials of Drilling & Service Rig Electrical Operation and Maintenance for Rig Managers
From 949 CAD
Mechanical Blueprint Reading Essentials - In-Person
From 949 CAD
Electrical Switching Safety for Operators
From 1,049 CAD
Multiple (3)
Arc Flash & High Voltage Safety - Qualified Electrical Worker Certification
From 1,379 CAD
Multiple (2)
Classroom, Virtual Classroom
Arc Flash & Low Voltage Safety
From 395 CAD
Multiple (2)
Classroom, Virtual Classroom
PLC Programming Foundations and Essentials: Onsite Delivery
From 2,799 CAD
Multiple (2)
Electro-Mechanical Deductive Reasoning for Heavy Equipment Technicians
From 2,499 CAD
Multiple (3)
Arc Flash & High Voltage Safety for Operators
Safe Switchgear Certification for Operators
Electrical Maintenance Management for Mechanical Supervisors
Analytical Electrical Troubleshooting Skills for Mechanical Technicians
Utility Substation Maintenance
More About Alberta, Canada
One of the most populated provinces in Canada, over four million people call Alberta home. This is not counting, of course, the hoards of tourists from all over the world regularly visiting the province. An ideal place to travel, most come to Alberta for the incredible mountain scenery in Banff and Jasper national parks. Due to perfect combination of the rustic outdoors and modern comforts of city life in places like Calgary and Edmonton, it’s no wonder so many people call Alberta home.
The land plays an important part of the story of Alberta, not only for its beauty, but for its richness in natural resources. Alberta is the largest single producer of crude oil in Canada, which is impressive due to the fact that Canada is one of the largest producers of crude in the world. Alberta is also one of three prairie provinces in Canada, which allows it to have a sizable agricultural industry. The province boast almost as many heads of cattle as it does people, accounting for close to half of the total meat production in Canada.
Business and Management
With two major metropolitan areas in Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta has a lot to offer in terms of professional development services. Search for training in Alberta in a variety of fields within business and management or office administration. Many providers in the Energy industry also offer business and administrative learning solutions to support industry endeavours.
Oil and Gas Training in Alberta
Some of the greatest minds currently working in the Oil & Gas industry live and work in Alberta. It just makes sense – this is where the action is! Training programs in oil and gas can always be found here, covering a range of technologies, best practice and HSE for various sectors of the industry as well as courses for those industries playing a supporting role to oil and gas.
Unconventional Oil – Oil Sands
Much of Alberta’s total oil wealth, and thereby Canada’s, comes from several large deposits of oil sands. New technologies for extracting unconventional oil are regularly being developed and implemented for extracting this extremely valuable resource. The largest unconventional oil field in the world and the only one currently accessible for surface mining, Anthabasca Oil Sands, is located here. Search for training in Alberta regarding unconventional exploration and production and learn the skills necessary to take part in this industry.
Petrochemical Training in Alberta
Also as a result of the large deposits of crude oil and natural gas to be found here, Alberta is home to two of the largest petrochemical companies in the world. Petrochemicals is a broad description for a range of everyday products and chemicals that are derived from petroleum. Sign up for training in Alberta and learn how to work with petrochemicals at the upstream industry levels of exploration and production.