Procurement Training

Add value through better procurement. Are you a professional involved in the procurement process looking to take your skills to the next level? Procurement training will give you the right knowledge regardless of your skill level. Browse onsite or online procurement training below and succeed in your role!
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Procurement Essentials

Procurement is one of the most vital functions in any business and has many policies and regulations. Some of the essential steps in the procurement process are:

  • Identifying the needs: it is essential for businesses to identify the needs and wants of the customers as well as the technical or managerial needs of the organization
  •  Identifying useful suppliers: the company has to make important decisions regarding company needs as well as decide between single and multiple suppliers
  • Communicating between the suppliers: It often so happens that companies need to source materials for their finished goods from several agencies and suppliers, in such cases, proactive communication is of utmost priority.
  • Negotiating between suppliers and other stakeholders: getting all the sourcing at the right quantity and prices is very important
  • Inspecting delivery: this step mainly evolves the evaluation of the supplies and the service support provided
  • Managing logistics support: this step involves many useful factors such as preparation, expediting, shipment, delivery, and payment
  • Keeping records: it is important for companies to keep records that track all of their purchases

Procurement Training

Procurement is a very important aspect in business and many companies often have detailed layouts and strategies for procurement management. These decision-making processes involve taking many factors into consideration such as quantity, frequency, value, nature and samples taken before from the suppliers before. There are two types of procurement direct and indirect procurement. Direct procurement involves sourcing raw materials, production goods and indirect procurement involves service and delivery oriented facilities such as maintenance, repair and operating supplies. 

There are many training providers and organizations that offer procurement courses in order to learn all of the relevant skills needed to succeed in this field. These procurement courses use a mix of technical aspects as well as essential management duties such as e-procurement, strategic planning, services planning and marketing. Some essentials covered in these procurement courses include global sourcing methodologies, indirect procurement, pre-sales, purchasing essentials, strategic sourcing, tender notification essentials, procurement fraud and procurement awareness.

Training Format

Procurement courses are offered in many different formats. There are courses that are available online as webinars or video tutorials. These courses give professionals the flexibility to attend classes and revisit course materials when their schedule allows it. There are also a number of procurement courses that are offered in a traditional classroom setting. Many training providers offer certificates upon completion of courses. 

Career Prospects for Professionals

Professionals who achieve training from procurement courses are often qualified to be hired in many sectors such as production as well as service industries. Processionals are usually hired among many different departments such as supply chain management, logistics, quality assurance and auditing. These courses also offer a step up for professionals who are already working in procurement roles such as purchasing managers, supply chain representatives and other procurement professionals.