Process Safety Management Training

Reduce accidents in the workplace. Process safety management training will teach you the right skills for preventing accidents in the workplace. Find process safety management courses below, get in touch with PSM suppliers and help your company manage manufacturing risks effectively! 
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The Importance of Process Safety

Process safety is a growing concern in each and every field dealing with recurring mishaps in the workplace. Any organization would want to be recognized as having a safe environment for its employees as it shows that the company prioritizes the well-being of those that they employ.

Safety in the workplace should be prioritized, especially when the work is considered risky. Organizations looking for capable workers need to make it clear that their safety is of the utmost importance.

Process safety training is the first step to ensuring a safe workplace. Courses look into helping companies develop protocols for employees so that, in the event of an emergency, everyone can take appropriate measures and follow evacuation guidelines.

Process safety training focuses not only on properly educating employees but has the added bonus of helping to improve upon current safety protocols. Ensuring process safety is not only important for employees but also for communities located near potentially hazardous sites such as power plants or manufacturing plants that have hazardous materials as by-products.

What Will Process Safety Training Courses Cover?

Courses in process safety training apply to all professionals. Basic courses cover OSHA standards and basic risk reduction measurements. For those looking for more in-depth classes, providers offer courses that cover topics such as risk assessment, learning from previous incidents, process safety key performance indicators, and process safety leadership. Other topics covered in process safety training courses include:

  • Hazard identification
  • Consequence & likelihood analysis
  • Management of process safety in operations
  • Verification and audits
  • Self-verification and measurement
  • Regulatory compliance

Plenty of process safety training courses are available for professionals in differing fields; courses should be selected based on the participant’s interest and need. Search through the list to find a course that reflects your requirements.

Training Format of Process Safety Courses


Most process safety training courses take place in-house in order to allow organizations to tailor the training to their specific needs; these in-house courses allow employees to work with their own equipment and practice specific plant processes.


There are universities who have specific certifications in certain areas of process safety training. Courses such as these allow students to learn general safety training processes with the added bonus of being able to ask the instructor questions while in person.


There are many online certifications available, as well, for people seeking further specialization in this field. Working professionals are even more attracted to these online courses because of their convenience and detailed lessons on specific aspects of process safety.

Career Prospects for Process Safety Professionals

Process safety certified professionals are sought after in sectors such as energy and oil, raw material processing plants, construction, refineries, chemical plants, process safety is also being considered in such sectors such as restaurants, hotels and bars where customers are around flammable substances or even hazardous equipment.

Process safety professionals are not only in-demand to be onsite at companies. With the right training, they can consult for companies that need help setting up safety processes.

Related Training Areas

Didn't find the particular health and safety-related course you were looking for on this page? We have some other categories that may have exactly what you are looking for! Check out the links below and don't forget to get in touch with the providers of any courses are you are interested in: