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Founded in 1971, OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration) is an agency of the United States Department of Labor, responsible for implementing health and safety legislation and regulations across the country. OSHA's mission is to 'assure safe and healthy working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance'. Here are some key facts and figures regarding OSHA:

  • OSHA has an annual budget of 552 million USD.
  • OSHA employs over 2000 inspectors that deal with 8 million workplaces - employing nearly 130 million people in total.
  • Workplace deaths and injuries are estimated to cost between $250 billion and $360 billion a year
  • As an employer, you could be liable to pay heavy fines if after inspection it is apparent that your workplace is inadequately prepared to deal with health and safety hazards.

Health and safety is an inevitable feature of the modern workplace, regardless of the industry you are working in. Don't take any chances! Enhance your workforce today and make your company as accident-proof as possible with OSHA training.

OSHA Training: Course Formats

OSHA training can be completed at the workplace, remotely, or at an accredited provider's training centre. Completion can also be spread out across a number of weeks or months, depending on the timeframes offered by your provider

OSHA training is usually provided in the form of taught programs and community seminars. Many of these courses are offered as on-site training and often form part of a company's induction program. This is to ensure safe working conditions for both the attendee as well as any other individuals they interact with.

Online OSHA training grants participants the flexibility to attend classes and exams at any time with the added advantage of reduced costs and the ability to revisit course materials.

Training courses in OSHA

OSHA training courses are offered by many prestigious universities in the United States and national training institutes alike. Some courses are part of a larger program while others are offered individually as part of a continuing education program. Some important concepts covered in OSHA training courses are:

  • Construction industry standards in occupational safety.
  • Electrical standards of office working.
  • Ergonomics principles.
  • Machinery usage and safeguarding.
  • Evacuation and emergency planning measures.
  • Accident investigation measures.
  • Safety and health management measures.
  • Health standards for maritime industry.

Career prospects for professionals

OSHA training is open to almost anybody - many courses are taken by professionals such as managers, supervisors, factory assistants, nurses, and vocational workers in industries like construction. OSHA training is carried out with an aim of consolidating health and safety procedures in the workplace and advancing a culture of safety in an organization.

Every company in the US is obligated to ensure that all employees have a safe working environment and are aware of the hazards associated with their jobs and the physical spaces around them. This makes OSHA training a perpetual form of education, as new employees receive it as part of their induction programs and existing employees receive new and refresher courses throughout their careers. OSHA certifications can also serve as valuable additions to a resume, and can boost employability in a saturated job market.