Professional Course

Introduction to TypeScript | TypeScript Quick Start

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Course description

Introduction to TypeScript | TypeScript Quick Start

Introduction to TypeScript is a hands-on course geared for web developers who need to learn basic TypeScript to use with today's systems and architectures to build sophisticated web interfaces.  The training will guide students through a balanced mixture of theory and practical labs to gain core development skills and have them explore its related technologies through to the use of tools and libraries to ease the development of advanced web applications.  Course attendees will be able to hit the ground running right after class, applying essential TypeScript to projects at both an architectural as well as a line by line coding level.  

Throughout the course, students will explore the practical use of the umbrella of technologies that work in conjunction with TypeScript as well as some of the tools, toolkits, and frameworks that can be used in conjunction with web development and deployment. The course begins with an initial look at TypeScript and how it is used within the context of web applications, walking students through the different technologies that are used with TypeScript, and exploring core aspects of TypeScript in terms of web applications, security, tools, and frameworks.  

Learning Objectives

This skills-focused course is approximately 50% hands-on lab to lecture ratio. Our instructors are highly experienced practitioners who bring years of current "on-the-job" experienceinto every classroom. Working within in a hands-on learning environment guided by our expert team, attendees will learn to:

  • Understand what JavaScript is and how it is used within the context of web applications
  • Work with the different technologies that are the foundation for web applications.
  • Understand and work with the fundamental aspects of JavaScript in terms of web applications, security, tools, and frameworks
  • Learn to how to effectively work with the newest advances in JavaScript such as ES6 and TypeScript
  • Develop code using conventions and optimal constructs for performance

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Training content

Chapter 1: TypeScript Tools and Framework Options

What is TypeScript?

  • JavaScript and the ECMAScript Standard
  • The benefits of TypeScript
  • Compiling
  • Strong typing
  • TypeScript's syntactic sugar
  • Type definitions for popular JavaScript libraries
  • DefinitelyTyped
  • Encapsulation
  • TypeScript classes generate closures
  • Public and private accessors

TypeScript IDEs

  • Node-based compilation
  • Visual Studio Code
  • WebStorm
  • Using --watch and Grunt

Chapter 2: Types, Variables, and Function Techniques

Basic types

  • JavaScript typing
  • TypeScript typing
  • Type syntax
  • Inferred typing
  • Duck typing
  • Template strings
  • Arrays
  • and for...of
  • The any type
  • Explicit casting
  • Enums
  • Const enums
  • String enums
  • Enum implementation
  • Const values
  • The let keyword
  • Definite assignment
  • Dotted property types
  • Numeric separators


  • Function return types
  • Anonymous functions
  • Optional parameters
  • Default parameters
  • Rest parameters
  • Function callbacks
  • Function signatures
  • Function overrides
  • Try catch

Advanced types

  • Union types
  • Type guards
  • Type aliases
  • Null and undefined
  • Null operands
  • Object rest and spread
  • Tuples

Chapter 3: Interfaces, Classes, and Inheritance


  • Optional properties
  • Interface compilation
  • Weak types
  • Type inference with the in operator


  • Class properties
  • Implementing interfaces
  • Class constructors
  • Class functions
  • Interface function definitions
  • Class modifiers
  • Constructor access modifiers
  • Readonly properties
  • Class property accessors
  • Static functions
  • Static properties
  • Namespaces


  • Interface inheritance
  • Class inheritance
  • The super keyword
  • Function overriding
  • Protected class members
  • Abstract classes
  • JavaScript closures
  • instanceof

Using interfaces, classes, and inheritance – the Factory Design Pattern

  • Business requirements
  • What the Factory Design Pattern does

Chapter 4: Decorators, Generics, and Asynchronous Features


  • Decorator syntax
  • Multiple decorators
  • Decorator factories
  • Class decorator parameters
  • Property decorators
  • Static property decorators
  • Method decorators
  • Using method decorators
  • Parameter decorators
  • Decorator metadata
  • Using decorator metadata


  • Generic syntax
  • Instantiating generic classes
  • Using the type T
  • Constraining the type of T
  • Generic interfaces
  • Creating new objects within generics

Advanced types with generics

  • Conditional types
  • Distributed conditional types
  • Conditional type inference
  • keyof
  • keyof with number
  • Mapped types
  • Partial, Readonly, Record, and Pick

Asynchronous language features

  • Promises
  • Promise syntax
  • Using promises
  • Callback versus promise syntax
  • Returning values from promises
  • async and await
  • await errors
  • Promise versus await syntax
  • await messages

Chapter 5: Declaration Files and Strict Compiler Options

Global variables

Using JavaScript code blocks in HTML

Writing your own declaration file

  • The module keyword
  • Interfaces
  • Union types

Module merging

Declaration syntax reference

  • Function overrides
  • Nested namespaces
  • Classes
  • Class namespaces
  • Class constructor overloads
  • Class properties
  • Class functions
  • Static properties and functions
  • Global functions
  • Function signatures
  • Optional properties
  • Merging functions and modules

Strict compiler options

  • noImplicitAny
  • strictNullChecks
  • strictPropertyInitialization
  • noUnusedLocals and noUnusedParameters
  • noImplicitReturns
  • noFallthroughCasesInSwitch


Course delivery details

Student Materials: Each student will receive a Student Guide with course notes, code samples, software tutorials, diagrams and related reference materials and links (as applicable). Our courses also include step by step hands-on lab instructions and and solutions, clearly illustrated for users to complete hands-on work in class, and to revisit to review or refresh skills at any time. Students will also receive related (as applicable) project files, code files, data sets and solutions required for the hands-on work.

Classroom Setup Made Simple:  Our dedicated tech team will work with you to ensure your classroom and lab environment is setup, tested and ready to go well in advance of the course delivery date, ensuring a smooth start to class and seamless hands-on experience for your students. We offer several flexible student machine setup options including guided manual set up for simple installation directly on student machines, or cloud based / remote hosted lab solutions where students can log in to a complete separate lab environment minus any installations, or we can supply complete turn-key, pre-loaded equipment to bring ready-to-go student machines to your facility.  Please inquire for details.


  • Price: $1,295.00
  • Discounted Price: $841.75

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Over 25 years of technology training expertise.

Robust portfolio of over 1,000 leading edge technology courses.

Guaranteed to run courses and flexible learning options.

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Trivera Technologies LLC
7862 West Irlo Bronson Highway
STE 626
Kissimmee FL 34747

Trivera Technologies

Trivera Technologies is a IT education services & courseware firm that offers a range of wide professional technical education services including: end to end IT training development and delivery, skills-based mentoring programs,new hire training and re-skilling services, courseware licensing and...

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