Fall Protection Training

Everything you need to learn about fall protection. Interested to learn how to reduce the risk of falls and implement a fall protection program in your organization? Choose a fall protection training course below that can help you and your organization identify and implement the best practices for your needs.
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OSHA was established to keep employees safe at work. Simple enough, but what rights do employers have under OSHA?

The Importance of Fall Protection Training Courses

Falls result in more deaths in construction than any other hazard. It is therefore important to plan how to prevent injuries and fatalities from falls among your team and at your job sites. Employers and managers should provide the right fall protection equipment. Fall protection training should also be provided to ensure that the relevant personnel know how to use the equipment safely and are equipped with the necessary health and safety information.

Who Should Attend Fall Protection Training Programs?

Anyone who is working at job sites where falls are a likely hazard, that is, working at height in various environments. This would include anyone working with ladders, scaffolding and roofing.

Employers and managers who are responsible for risk assessments and rescue plans should also attend fall protection training classes.

What Will You Learn?

Fall protection training classes aim to equip participants with the knowledge of the relevant laws and standards for working in fall risk environments. Trainers would also ensure participants understand what happens to the body in a fall and teach participants to use fall protection equipment correctly and safely.  Fall protection training courses would also teach participants the important skills of doing detailed risk assessments and making rescue plans.

Fall Protection Training Course Formats

Fall protection training programs are offered with a wide range of scheduling options. The training courses can run from less than an hour to several days, so choose the course that best meets your needs and schedule.

A large number of fall protection training classes are available online. This offers participants flexibility and convenience.

Many fall protection training courses take place in a classroom setting. A classroom course will take place at a specified time and location. This is a great option for individuals who want to take training into their own hands or an organization that needs to have a few employees trained.

If you are an organization or firm with a large number of employees who need training, on-site or in-house training might be suitable for you. Search through courses for a trainer who can bring expert on-site training to you and your employees.