Photography Courses

Capture the world through the lens of your camera. Photographic equipment and techniques have developed greatly in recent years - and so too have photography courses. Regardless of your goal is personal of professional the courses below can help you greatly enhance your skills in the field
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Photography Courses: Perfect your Skills

Photography courses cover a large range of skills. There’s much to be learned in photography, from how to use the various equipment involved; such as tripods, light boxes, lenses, etc., to photographic techniques and editing software. 

There are also many professional routes to take in the photography world, with each sub-sector needing different skills and approaches. From wedding to travel photography, there are many avenues to pursue for a skilled photographer, and photography courses can help you focus your talent into a highly specialized skill.

Many professionals also need to work with photography as part of their overall work responsibilities, especially in business and marketing, where killer images can mean all the difference for an ad campaign or branding push. Photography courses can help add a new dimension to your resume in today's competitive professional world.

Training formats

Photography courses are available from beginner to advanced level, covering a wide range of fundamental and specialized photography skills. Online photography courses are particularly popular, as they allow you to study at your own pace while you put the techniques into practice. The flexible format of e-learning means you can learn from anywhere - especially useful for traveling photographers.

Learn how to use your digital SLR camera

Many of us own a digital camera – maybe it was a last minute purchase in the excitement of an upcoming vacation, or an attempt at taking professional quality photos at a relative’s wedding. The reality is that DSLR cameras are capable of getting much higher quality pictures than a lot people will ever achieve. Photography courses provide a much clearer, much more in-depth understanding of available techniques and adjustments. Learn how to use aperture priority, shutter priority, ISO, exposure, lenses and much more. With photography courses learners will gain skills in metering, white balance, or autofocus point.

Training programs are also available based on the specific type of camera or equipment being used. Find a course for shooting with a specific model by Cannon, Nikon or others and learn how to get the most out of the camera’s capabilities with a learning solution geared specifically at the camera you own.

Lighting and flash

Anyone who has ever taken a photo can tell – lighting makes all the difference. All training courses in photography fundamentals will contain a section outlining basic lighting concepts. Many photography courses also offer training specific to the different uses of lighting and creating the right effect for photo.

Topics for the uses of lighting in photography include:

  • natural light and window light
  • studio lighting
  • lighting with an overhead umbrella and ring
  • layering effects
  • using strobes

Photography editing software

Retouching photos is an important skill for both professional photographers and other professionals working with images as part of their overall responsibilities. The right retouches can completely change the feel and redefine the purpose of an image. Some photography courses may include editing skills in Adobe Photoshop, Camera Raw, Bridge, Aperture, or others, as part of the course content. Find separate Adobe training courses.

Now that the image is created, how do you use it?

An image is only useful in so far as it’s properly implemented. Find a course in web design or multimedia and learn how to integrate the image into circulation on various platforms.