Assessment and Testing Courses

Improve your company through assessment and testing. Assessment and testing are crucial when it comes to measuring, evaluating and ultimately improving performance for companies. Browse assessment and testing courses below and learn best practices for creating and implementing tests!
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Assessment and Testing - The Measure of Success

All companies, professionals, individuals and systems can benefit from a thorough evaluation of performance via assessment and testing. Many of us are familiar with regular assessment and testing throughout our education, but there is some argument as to whether test results truly reflect achievement. People learn and perform in different ways, particularly under pressure, so there needs to be an awareness and understanding of different ways to assess achievement, across all spheres.

Assessment and testing is needed across almost all professional sectors in some form or another, be it to assess the output of a team or individual, required specialist knowledge, the usefulness of a system, or whether a company meets formal regulations. This information can then be used to improve processes, determine and implement training investment, and identify areas that need further attention.


Assessment and testing is widely used in the education sector for admissions, school readiness and placement testing - and also to assess teachers, institutes and the assessors themselves. Assessment and testing courses cover all kinds of educational assessment information and certifications for those in the field.


Broadly speaking, all employees are assessed in some form or another before being recruited. Assessment and testing courses can help provide employers, HR professionals, or those responsible for recruitment with the right knowledge and methods required to carry out their assessments effectively and make the right hire. 

Course Content 

Assessment and testing courses cover a range of topics beneficial to those responsible for the assessment of others, from managers to HR personnel, and educators to administrators.

Course content may include:

  • educational testing
  • placement testing
  • admissions and recruiting
  • team assessment services
  • system evaluation
  • personal development
  • psychometric/psychological assessments
  • test administration
  • industrial skills assessment testing
  • language testing and assessment
  • large-scale testing and analysis
  • occupational testing - personality and ability

Assessment Software

Assessment software is widely used to undertake testing and analysis, particularly for those assessing data on a large scale. Educational assessment software is commonly used, along with software for more specialist technical fields within engineering. 

Browse assessment and testing courses to find the right training for your requirements - you can also receive training about how to use the software on the course itself.

Related Areas 

Findcourses also offers training courses in the related fields of Human Resources, Performance Management, Six Sigma & Lean Management, and Career Development. Browse training programs and contact the providers for more information.