Corporate / Group Training

Value Engineering

Wronski Associates, Online (+1 locations)
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Course description

Value Engineering

Companies around the world are seeking to provide value to their customers. That value is embedded in either the product or service that they deliver, the manner in which they deliver it, and the price that their customers must pay. Value Engineering is a set of disciplines that assign a value, a function and a cost to each element of a product or service and then seeks to optimize the value delivered for the cost that is paid.

The Value Engineering methodology relies heavily on defining and understanding the inherent function of each part of the product or service. The Value Engineering tools and techniques assist the business team to identify, quantify and then improve the value by reducing cost without impacting the function of the product or service.

In this practical two-day program you will learn the six phases of a Value Engineering study. The program is based upon the proven practices of the Society of Value Engineers, SAVE International, and on the experience of the presenter who has led many engineering development efforts which had significant contributions from Value Engineering. The course will discuss the best practices for each of the six phase Value Engineering process and will include workshops where Value Engineering tools and techniques are practiced.

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  • On-site
  • United States of America

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  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online

Training content

Key Topics

  • The Value Engineering Process
    • Course Introduction
    • Value Engineering Process Steps
    • Case Study Example
  • Preparing a Value Engineering Job Plan
    • Managing a Value Engineering Project
    • Resources Required for a Value Engineering Project
    • Scheduling a Value Engineering Project
    • Workshop
  • Customer Needs Identification
    • New Product:
      • Design for Target Cost Principles
      • Establishing Market Value
      • Voice of Customer for New Products
      • Concept Analysis to Determine Product Architecture
      • Allocating Value by Product Architecture
      • Workshop
    • Existing Product:
      • Voice of the Customer for Existing Products
      • Allocating Value by Product Architecture
      • Workshop
  • Function Analysis
    • Creating Function Statements
    • Reviews of Examples
    • Workshop
  • Alternative Generation
    • IW H2 (I wish … How to...)
    • TRIZ
    • Pugh Concept Generation
    • Workshop
  • Product Cost Evaluation Techniques
    • Material
      • Raw material
      • Yield
      • Supplier management
    • Labour
      • Labour standards
      • Rework
      • Learning Curve
      • Training and Turnover
    •  Manufacturing/Operations Overhead
      • Supervision
      • Facilities
      • Permits
      • Environmental and Safety
    •  Make vs Buy Analysis
    • Capital Equipment and Assets
      • Lifecycle costs
      • Lease vs Own
    • Workshop
      • Preparing a Value Engineering Proposal
    • Management Decision Criteria
    • Recommended format(s)
    • Example
    • Workshop

Quick stats about Wronski Associates?

Founded in 1984 - Over 35 years of providing innovative and impactful learning and development solutions.

Long lasting client partnerships - Our top ten client relationships average 14 years and our very first client is still a client 36 years later.

Have delivered instructor-led training in 40+ countries on 6 continents, and online solutions in many, many more.

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654 Washington Street
02184 Braintree MA

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