Avoid workplace hazards with HAZWOPER training. HAZWOPER training is a must for anyone working with hazardous wastes. The various courses are designed for workers as well as managers and help to stay aware and avoid injury and exposure in the workplace. Find the right HAZWOPER training for your team below.
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OSHA was established to keep employees safe at work. Simple enough, but what rights do employers have under OSHA?

What is HAZWOPER Training?

HAZWOPER is an acronym for OSHA-required regulatory training in Hazardous Wastes Operation and Emergency Response. Since hazardous wastes are a major source of fatalities in the workplaces the HAZWOPER training is designed to protect the workers from injuries and exposure.


Who should attend?

Anyone involved in environmental cleanup or HAZMAT emergency response will benefit from taking a HAZWOPER course.

Based on the work the employee performs and the degree of hazard faced, there are a few OSHA recognized levels of training. Each level has a specific training program, with OSHA-specified topics and minimum training time.

  • General site workers have to go through 40 hours of instruction, three days of supervised hands-on training and 8 hours of refresher training annually.
  • Workers limited to a specific task, or workers on fully characterized sites with no hazards above acceptable levels, require 24 hours of introductory training, one day of supervised hands-on training and eight hours of refresher training annually.
  • Managers and supervisors have to go through the same level of training as those they supervise, plus eight hours.
  • Workers at a treatment, storage or disposal facility who handle RCRA waste require 24 hours of initial training, best practice two days of supervised hands-on training and 8 hours of refresher training annually.
  • The First Responder Awareness Level goes through sufficient training to demonstrate competence in assigned duties.
  • The First Responder Operations Level goes through Awareness-Level training plus 8 hours of training.
  • Hazardous Materials Technicians go through 24 hours of training plus additional training to achieve competence in specialized areas.
  • Hazardous Materials Specialists go through 24 hours of training at the Technician level, plus additional specialized training.
  • On-scene Incident Commanders go through 24 hours of training plus additional training to achieve competence in designated areas.
  • Employee members of TSD facility emergency response organizations require a level of training that will give them the competence in the recognition of health and safety hazards to protect themselves and other employees.

What will you learn in this training: 

  • training in the methods used to minimize the risk from safety and health hazards;
  • the safe use of control equipment; 
  • the selection and use of appropriate personal protective equipment;
  • the safe operating procedures that need to be used at the incident scene; 
  • the techniques of coordination with other employees to minimize risks;
  • the appropriate response to overexposure from health hazards or injury to themselves and other employees; 
  • the recognition of subsequent symptoms which may result from overexposures.