Podcast: My journey with Human Design by Jamie Palmer

In this new episode of IntegratED, Jamie Palmer shares her experience with Human Design and how she plans on helping other entrepreneurs build a successful business by knowing more about themselves and trusting their decisions.

I've been using human design as a framework to work with clients to better build businesses that they love for about two years now. We've been using it in marketing, in social media, for creating a business model, for interacting with clients, to increase productivity, and team management.

Human Design is a great tool that you can pull out of your toolkit and ask yourself “Hey, does this make sense for me?” Over the next couple of weeks, you will notice me talking about it more on my podcast, my social media, and in my marketing. However, it is not the be-all and end-all solution.

Listen to this podcast episode here

Human Design is a cool framework that you can use to really get to know yourself better and it can be a really amazing tool that you can use in your business. My intention is to start sharing some of the strategies that I've been using with my clients, by pairing their human design with their business.

In this new episode of IntegratED, I am sharing my own experience with Human Design and how I plan on helping other entrepreneurs build a successful business by knowing more about themselves and trusting their decisions.

About Jamie Palmer

Jamie Palmer is a business strategist and coach for driven entrepreneurs, service providers, and coaches who want to grow and scale their business online with a signature program. She is the creator of the Business Ecosystem Builders program that helps entrepreneurs build their online business simply while creating more freedom, impact and income.
