The Swanson

The SwansonThe Swanson

If you're unfamiliar with Ron Swanson, do yourself a favor and get smart. Ron Swanson is the physical embodiment of masculinity, loyalty, staunchness, and a heap of 'I cannot be bothered' sprinkled into the mix. He is immensely proud of his beliefs and disregards all else. The Swanson 'stache can be grown by many but worn well by few. The mustache is a more than a bold statement, it's a lifestyle.

In a professional sense, the Swanson mustache is representative of mid to upper level management professionals who are quite secure in their position. These professionals have done well for themselves and are respected by their colleagues. However, these professionals have a tendency to do as they please, regardless of if there are better routes to pursue. Because of this, their management style may be lacking a bit and in need of an overhaul. Consider taking a management training course today to learn new techniques and skills, become more aware of your role within your organization, and learn how to better manage your employees.

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