Professional Course

How to Read, Interpret and Troubleshoot Contracts

Pryor Learning, Online
1-Hour Webinar
1-Hour Webinar
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Course description

Each time you find yourself "signing on the dotted line," are you confident you fully understand everything you're agreeing to? In today's workforce, the legalities of binding contracts aren't always clearly defined — and the outcome of signing a document you don't fully understand could be devastating.

Are you uneasy about reading and making recommendations on business contracts? Do you ever wonder what certain legal lingo really means or what might be missing from the contract you are about to approve? Have you ever missed the "fine print" in a contract, only to find yourself in a business bind? Does your boss ever ask you to carefully review important contracts, but you're unclear about what exactly you're looking for?

This informative one-hour webinar will cover what everyone must know to confidently handle everyday business contracts. We'll explain the essentials of contracts so you'll fully understand and be able to troubleshoot legal agreements.

Learn how to tackle tough business verbiage quickly and confidently! How to Read, Interpret and Troubleshoot Contracts is packed with information to familiarize you with the details you must focus on in every contract. We'll also show you the common oversights managers make that lock organizations into bad terms and even worse business issues.

Using case studies and real-life situations, we'll cover crucial inclusions and pinpoint contract "hot spots" to help you discern whether a contract is complete — or could leave you and your organization hanging. Learn the ins and outs of contractual documents with this information-packed program.

Don't waste another day struggling to decipher the "legalese" of contracts and legal documents that come across your desk. Ensure you are confident and accurate in all your business deals and that your organization's interests are protected each time you sign your name. Register today!

Course delivery details

  • The best ways to clarify terms and terminology to reach agreements that are mutually acceptable
  • The truth about verbal contracts and "handshake deals" — the extent to which they can be proven or enforced
  • Sneaky ways organizations can gain the advantage in contractual documents
  • How to protect yourself and your organization from short and long-term losses by imbedding vital protections in every agreement
  • A step-by-step process for reading and understanding every letter of agreement
  • How to identify the vital inclusions each contract must have to be complete — and legally binding
  • The eight biggest contract mistakes business people make — and how to ensure your agreements are complete and error-free
  • The "Quick Six" questions to ask when you have to review contracts quickly and accurately

Certification / Credits

Managers, supervisors, team leaders, small business owners and anyone in your organization who frequently reads, reviews, troubleshoots, approves, fulfills or signs contracts.

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Founded more than 50 years ago when Fred Pryor pioneered the "one-day seminar", Pryor Learning has become one of the nation's leading corporate training providers, offering in-person and online training to millions of individuals and organizations — from small and...

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