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International Law Courses

International law is a body of legal rules, norms, and standards that apply between sovereign states and other international actors. Below are some of the common practice areas that international law courses address:

  • Public international law
  • Private international law
  • Banking
  • International trade
  • Environment
  • Criminal law
  • Human rights law

Who Should Enroll in an International Law Course?

International law courses are aimed at anyone who would like to develop a better understanding of the global legal system. Individuals taking these courses are able to familiarize themselves with the intricacies of the relevant international policies and legal issues.

International law courses can also benefit those who are searching for positions outside of law firms. Positions such as internships and work placements at multilateral organizations including the United Nations and the European Union have often been filled by students of international law.

What Will You Learn?

Those interested in international law courses are often looking to enhance their skills and knowledge in order to advance their careers within the field. Enrolled participants will be equipped with the latest knowledge of the relevant areas of international law.

Practical exercises that build negotiation skills, listening and communication skills, and drafting skills for complex contracts are often touched upon in international law classes.

For participants who are beginners, introductory international law programs often cover integral aspects of the field such as legal analysis, reasoning, writing and advocacy skills.

International Law Course Formats

International law courses are offered with a wide range of scheduling options. The training programs can run from 90 minutes to a few years, so choose the course that best meets your needs and schedule.

Many international law training courses take place in a classroom setting. A classroom course will take place at a specified time and location. This is a great option for individuals who want to take training into their own hands or an organization that needs to have a few employees trained.

Online classes are also available, offering participants flexibility and convenience.