Corporate / Group Training
5.0 (1 Reviews)

Self Awareness and Wisdom Applied

MindSpring Consulting, Inc., In Asheville (+1 locations)
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Course description

Self Awareness and Wisdom Applied

Enhance your self-awareness and gain the tools to transform your negative patterns in order to activate your greatest success, influence and well-being.

Self-awareness is an essential element of leadership; without clarity into why you perceive things the way you do, you cannot respond appropriately. Without self-awareness and clarity, we are all “accidents waiting to happen” when circumstances don’t go our way. We all have a Leader Self and a Stress Self. The key is learning what triggers you into stress, what your negative patterns are and how do you replace negative patterns with positive ones.

Here is an opportunity to learn more about yourself, your strengths and vulnerabilities, your negative patterns and tools to transform those patterns in order to activate greater success, influence and well-being. From the inside out.

This workshop is available as a mini session, full-day session, or multi-day event, and can be customized to suit your needs. Please contact the provider for more information.

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Who should attend?

This workshop is intended for new leaders, those who aspire to be in leadership roles, and those who want more insight into themselves and others.

This is an excellent workshop for teams to engage in together, to learn more about themselves and each other. With teams, we also create a group profile that includes implications of the group dynamics. The team works with the profile together to design strategies to maximize strengths and improve targeted areas of growth.

Training content

Individual Benefits

  • Assess your leadership style and identify your strengths, barriers and targeted areas of growth.
  • Learn how to motivate people of varying styles.
  • Increase your appreciation for diversity of thought.
  • Understand the source of behaviors that erode your leadership and relationships
  • Design your evolutionary path toward greater leadership impact and success.

Organizational Benefits

  • Leaders who have a greater understanding of how they communicate, deal with conflict and change, and perform in various aspects of their jobs.
  • Leaders who have a clear leadership intention and articulation of style.
  • Leaders who communicate from the best of themselves rather than their stress self.
  • A plan for developing teams based on group dynamics and targeted areas of growth.

Skills that Matter

  • Identify how you function in your unhealthy, natural and evolved states.
  • Recognize behaviors that do not work well for you and learn to interrupt those negative patterns.
  • Understand how others function in their unhealthy and natural states, and serve as a guide to them so their style can evolve as well.
  • Learn to motivate others of varying styles to perform from the best of themselves.
  • Increase your understanding of what styles are suited best for what roles to support the success of others.


Average rating 5

Based on 1 reviews.
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Natalie R.
22 Aug 2012
Application to Every Day Life

So much of what you talked about last week is pertinent in my day-to-day life, and if I just take the time to be present rather than operating on auto-pilot the way I tend to do...

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MindSpring Consulting, Inc.
966 Tunnel Road
28805 Asheville North Carolina

MindSpring Consulting, Inc.

As learning and teaching experts, MindSpring has served clients around the world since 1999. Our mission is to provide individuals and the organizations they serve with exceptional quality training and development that leads to sustainable change. Our goal is to...

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