Corporate / Group Training

The Power of Fundamentals in Customer Service Workshop

EduLeader, In United States of America
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Course description

The Power of Fundamentals in Customer Service Workshop

This workshop is designed to help strengthen customer relationships through the development of yourself as a leader. Understand yourself and others through identifying the beliefs that matter most, gaining perspective and productivity by clarifying your personal and professional goals, adding value and increasing your capacity to serve your customers through managing your time and meetings more effectively, strengthening your relationships by using a relationships radar screen, improving teamwork by determining project communication requirements, maximizing results by implementing strategies for managing meetings, and building a customer service performance dashboard to measure your success and drive accountability. This program is customized for each client.

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  • On-site
  • United States of America

Training content

  • Learn how to strengthen customer relationships through the development of yourself as a leader
  • Understand yourself and others through identification of beliefs that matter the most,
  • Gain perspective and productivity by clarifying your personal and professional goals
  • Add value and increase your capacity to serve your customers through managing your time and meetings more effectively, strengthening your relationships
  • Improve teamwork by determining project communication requirements
  • Maximize results by implementing strategies for managing meetings, and building a customer service performance dashboard to measure your success and drive accountability
  • This program is customized for each client.

Why choose EduLeader?

90% would recommend the course to a colleague or friend

95% believe the course is the right length

80% agree that the materials taught in this course will help them to be a more effective meeting participant.

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429 Lenox Avenue, Suite 422
Miami Beach Florida 33139


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