Professional Course

Global Capital Markets (Online)

100 hours
100 hours
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Course description

Global Capital Markets (Online)

Financial markets have evolved over the past few years, becoming robust and complex in nature. Success in this area requires specialized knowledge and skills around both the functioning of the markets and the financial instruments used. This online, self-paced course offers participants a basic understanding of the various markets and instruments and provides detailed knowledge covering the qualitative and quantitative aspects of all markets. (12 months to complete course)

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Training content

Topics include:

  • Brokerage operations
  • Commodity and energy markets
  • Equity markets
  • Fixed-income markets
  • Flotation
  • Foreign exchange markets
  • Money markets
  • Trading operation controls


The cost of this training course includes all course materials.

Certification / Credits

Upon completion, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion with CEUs.

Learner Outcomes

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Describe major services offered by prime brokers.
  • Deliver and settle methods in commodity trading.
  • Understand the dynamics of global equity markets.
  • Enhance returns and measure performance using portfolio management techniques.
  • Determine the characteristics of various global bonds.
  • Describe various flotation methods and illustrate the effect of different factors on flotation method selection.
  • Discuss the nuances of foreign exchange markets.
  • Identify the fundamentals of money markets.
  • Explain trading and operational activities in trade life cycle.

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Corporate College

Corporate College, a Division of Cuyahoga Community College

Founded in 2003, Corporate College offers Northeast Ohio businesses and individuals professional training and development, along with state-of-the-art meeting and conference space at Corporate College East in Warrensville Heights and Corporate College West in Westlake. Whether you are engaged with...

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