Professional Course
4.9 (7 Reviews)

Agile Boot Camp: ICP Fundamentals Certification

ASPE Training, Online
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Course description

Fill out the form on the left to download the Agile Boot Camp Brochure." data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="c0d446e1-1dbc-4c49-ac5a-90521aba119d" height="263" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Screen%20Shot%202019-06-12%20at%2013.33.06.png" style="padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;" width="170" />

As a ICAgile Certified Professional designation course, this Agile training course offers hands-on practices in Iteration Planning, Product Roadmap and Backlog, Estimating Practices, User Story Development and Iteration Execution.

There is more to Agile development than simply a different style of programming. That's often the easy part. Agile development methods change your approach for requirements gathering, estimation, planning, team development, stakeholder interactions and more. While not a silver bullet, Agile Methodologies have become the most practical way to create outstanding software. We'll explore the leading Agile methodologies. You'll learn the basic premises and techniques behind Agility — so that you can apply them to your projects.

The classroom will be broken up into Agile teams and your expert instructor will drive each team through the Agile process from planning through execution. Your instructor will answer questions with real-world experience, and you will leave the class with practical knowledge and a clear roadmap for your team's success.

ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP)

Attendees who successfully complete this course will receive the ICP designation after course completion, based on their exposure to the Agile Fundamentals learning objectives, which is covered in this course. The ICP designation verifies that the attendee has been introduced to these five areas through training: 


  • Agile History & Mindset
  • Individuals & Interactions
  • Value–Driven Development
  • Consumer & User Involvement
  • Planning and Adapting

Since the ICP is required to attain any ICAgile Expert certification, it is an excellent way to jumpstart your Agile career. You can include the industry–recognized designation in your signature, resumes, and also display your newly learned Agile skills from the class.

Customer Testimonials:

"The course content was easy to follow and it was very organized. The instructor gave great examples to reinforce the course work. He kept the class engaged and welcomed any questions we had." - M. Corbett

"Good overview of Agile concepts. Now I have an understanding of Agile which should help me in future classes." - R. Hershberger

"The course material was covered at a steady pace and the instructor was very engaging." - A. Palmer

*Please note, if you are taking this class as part of the St. Louis University Certificate requirements, there is a $500 fee to claim your certificate once you have completed ALL requirements.  You Will Learn To:

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Average rating 4.9

Based on 7 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy..
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R. Findley
29 Nov 2018

I thought the flow of the course information was wonderful. It was easy to follow and the exercises helped to reinforce the content.

L. Hand
27 Nov 2018
Ready for my next ASPE course

Mark was fantastic. An excellent teacher with real-world application exercises. The class was so thorough that I am now exploring other courses with ASPE.

M. Belardi
27 Nov 2018
Really impressive!

Terrell is so knowledgable, I was very impressed with capacity to move between different methodologies when answering questions.

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