Displaying 41-60 of 127 results
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  • = Advanced level
Displaying 41-60 of 127 results

Frequently asked questions

  • Sensitivity training in the workplace is a program designed to increase awareness, empathy, and understanding of diverse perspectives and experiences. It aims to foster a respectful and inclusive work environment by addressing issues like unconscious bias, discrimination, and cultural differences.

  • Employees who participate in sensitivity training develop better communication skills, increased empathy, and an improved understanding of diversity and inclusion. This leads to a more positive and respectful work environment, enhanced collaboration, and reduced incidents of workplace discrimination or conflict.

  • During a sensitivity course, participants engage in discussions, role-plays, and interactive exercises to explore topics like unconscious bias, cultural competence, and inclusive language. The training may also cover legal and ethical responsibilities, and strategies for promoting inclusivity in the workplace.

  • Online sensitivity training can be effective, especially when it includes interactive elements like virtual discussions, real-time feedback, and group activities. However, the effectiveness depends on the quality of the course content, the facilitator's skills, and participants' engagement levels.

  • Yes, sensitivity training is available for groups. Many training providers offer customized programs designed to meet the specific needs of your organization, ensuring that the content is relevant and tailored to your team's unique dynamics and challenges.

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