Displaying 61-80 of 1814 results
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  • = Intermediate level
Displaying 61-80 of 1814 results

Frequently asked questions

  • A webinar can be either live or pre-recorded. Live webinars involve real-time interaction between the presenter and the audience, while pre-recorded webinars are pre-created presentations that can be accessed and viewed at the convenience of the audience.

  • Many webinars are recorded to allow attendees to revisit the content or to provide access to those who couldn't attend the live session. Recorded webinars can be made available on the host's website or distributed through other channels.

  • To attend a webinar, you typically need to register in advance using a link provided by the host. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with a unique link to access the webinar. At the scheduled time, click on the link and follow the instructions to join the session.

  • In most webinars, attendees are not visible or audible, as their microphones and cameras are turned off by default. This allows the presenter to focus on delivering the content without interruptions. However, attendees can usually interact with the presenter and other participants through chat, Q&A features, or polls.

  • A webinar is a one-way presentation, primarily focused on sharing information with a large audience. Interaction is typically limited to chat or Q&A functions. A virtual classroom course, on the other hand, is interactive, involving real-time communication, group discussions, and collaboration. Virtual classrooms aim to replicate the experience of in-person training in an online environment.

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