3 Tips to Increase Training Sales

Learn what resources you could be offering to help training buyers purchase more external training from you based on findings from our North American Training Report: 2019.

What are training buyers looking for when they browse your website for training? Do you have all the information that you need to promote a sale? Learn what resources you could be offering to help training buyers purchase more external training from you based on findings from our North American Training Report: 2019.

Based on our survey, here are the top three resources that respondents declared would make it easier for them to purchase more external training.

1.    Offer training in more formats

Today’s working landscape is always changing. Professionals work in unique ways, at different times and in various locations. Due to this, professionals want training options that will work for their unique habits.

According to our survey, 75% of respondents stated that offering training in more formats would make it easier for them to purchase more external training. By offering your training in more than one format (i.e. classroom, in-house, online), you can appeal to a wider audience of professional learners and put yourself in a position to allow buyers to purchase more training for you.

2.    Provide demonstrations or samples of your curriculum

What information do you offer about your courses to training buyers? Is it just a short description of what the course entails?

Based on findings from our North American Training Report, 69% of training buyers stated that having demonstrations or samples of the training curriculum would make it easier for them to purchase more external training. Today’s training buyers don’t have time to make assumptions about what your course will entail. Providing videos or detailed descriptions about your curriculum will quickly inform buyers if your course is right for them, speeding up the purchasing process and increasing your sales rate.

3.    Present more transparent pricing models available online

Let’s talk money. No one likes to feel like they have been taken advantage of when they are investing in something – including training.

67% of our respondents stated that the third thing that would make it easier for them to buy external training is by seeing more transparent pricing models online. Make sure that pricing is clear so that buyers know exactly what they are purchasing. If you're transparent with what you are offering, then you are more likely to have returning clients. 

To see the full list of helpful resources, make sure to check out the full survey featured in our North American Training Report: 2019. Fill in the form below to receive an early copy!

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