Why I chose Hyper Island in New York

Hyper Island Office in New York

Why I chose Hyper Island New York

Interview with a Hyper Island graduate

Findcourses.com caught up with a very recent Hyper Island graduate, to find out about the experience and outcome of their popular Digital Acceleration course. We were blown away with the positive effect this 3 day course had, and how being in the New York Hyper Island office added to the experience. Read on to learn about Martin's story.

Name: Martin Kiessling
Job role: Digital Project Manager
Years in this industry: 3
Future dream job: Creative Director
(Even though I’m very happy with my current position)
Course taken: Digital Acceleration
Provider: Hyper Island
Location: New York

Why did you choose the Digital Acceleration course with Hyper Island?

Digital is ever changing and it is imperative (at least in my role) that you are on top things. Not only from a brand and technology sense but also from a user and cultural perspective. I was looking for some training that would help me stay ahead in the industry and inspire me. This course seemed to be a perfect match, it sounded totally relevant and exciting. I chose the New York experience because I wanted to interact with American brands. 

What were the best parts or best experiences on the course?

It’s kind of hard to articulate. But it definitely moved me on a profound personal and professional level. I guess it´s one those things that you have to experience. It was by far the best professional course I have taken so far. 

Will this course change your career in any way?

How I approach idea generation and and structure my work & the teams creative work. 

How much of what you learnt can you use at work or in your personal life?

A lot. Both in terms of practical tips and tricks i.e. campaign and ideas that easily can be adopted in our business and our story. Also on a more intellectual level, regarding how you approach challenges and find solutions. 

What tips would you give others considering taking a similar course?

Be humble & open, stay engaged and stay active during the sessions. 
