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Spring Advanced

40 hours
850 EUR + tax
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Virtual Classroom
40 hours
850 EUR + tax
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Virtual Classroom
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Course description

Welcome to "Spring Advanced", a comprehensive course designed for experienced developers aiming to master the Spring Framework's advanced features. This course covers essential topics for building robust, scalable, and secure applications using Spring. Through a blend of presentations, examples, and hands-on exercises, you will gain deep insights and practical experience in advanced Spring development.

This course covers the following key topics:

Spring Data REST and API Documentation: Advanced REST operations, HATEOAS, and documenting APIs with Swagger.

Transactions and Security: Handling complex transactions and implementing secure REST services using JWT and OAuth2.

Reactive Programming with WebFlux: Building and testing reactive applications with WebFlux and integrating with reactive data sources.

Key Learning Objectives

Master Advanced REST Operations:

  • Implement conditional operations, handle REST events, and document APIs effectively.

Manage Complex Transactions:

  • Understand transaction isolation levels, propagation, and distributed transactions.

Secure REST Services:

  • Use JWT for authorization, define role-based access, and build secure OAuth2 servers.

Develop Reactive Applications:

  • Build, test, and benchmark reactive applications using Spring WebFlux and reactive data repositories.

Enroll in "Spring Advanced" to deepen your expertise in Spring Framework and become proficient in handling complex, real-world applications. This course offers a thorough understanding of advanced Spring features, ensuring you are well-equipped to develop, secure, and deploy robust Spring applications in a professional environment.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

Who should attend?


Good knowledge of Java, knowledge of Spring

Training content

1. Spring Data REST advanced (5h)

1) Spring REST (3h)

- Introduction. Spring REST overview (1h)

- Conditional operations with headers (ETag, If-Match, If-None-Match, If-modified-since) (0.5h)

- REST events (0.5h)

- REST maturity model (0.5h)

- Spring HATEOAS (0.5h)

2) API RestTemplate and WebClient for implementing REST services (1h)

3) Documenting REST service with Swagger and SpringFox (1h)

Homework: ~2h

2. Object mapping and validation (5h)

- Limiting data passed to the client: @JsonIgnore, nullifying fields, DTO (0.1h)

- Projections and excerpts with Spring Data REST (0.1h)

- Using MapStruct for automatic mapping to DTO (1h)

- Custom serializers and deserializers (1h)

- Validation of model with javax.validation annotations, custom annotations (1h)

Homework: ~2 h

3. Transactions (6h)

- @Transactional annotation (0.5h)

- Transaction isolation levels (1h)

- Transaction propagation (1h)

- Exception handling in transactions (0.5h)

- The problem of calling a transaction from the same bin (0.5h)

- Optimistic locking (o.5h)

- Connecting several DBs to the project (0.5h)

- Distributed transactions and SAGA patterns (0.5h)

4. Security for REST services / JWT authorization and roles management (6h)

- Approaches to security handling in Spring (1h)

- Building UAA server with OAuth2 (1h)

- JWT tokens (2h)

- Using Spring Security to define role-based access, demonstrating examples (2h)

Homework: ~2h

5. Reactive Spring with WebFlux (8h)

- Reactive approach overview (0.5h)

- Reactive flows specification in Java 9 (0.5h)

- Class Mono and Flux (0.5h)

- Reactive operators (2h)

- R2DBC drivers (0.5h)

- Reactive Spring Data (0.5h)

- Building REST API with WebFlux (0.5h)

- WebClient for reactive data retrieval (1h)

- RSocket protocol (1h)

- Reactive interaction with RabbitMQ (0.5h)

- Reactive patterns and benchmarks (0.5h)

Homework: ~2h

6. Testing Spring services (mock objects, TestContext framework) (4h)

- Unit testing with Mockito (0.5h)

- Integration testing (1h)

- Spring testing annotations (0.5h)

- TestContext framework (0.5h)

- Server-Side REST Tests (0.5h)

- REST services testing in IntelliJ IDEA (0.5h)

- Testing WebFlux (0.5h)

Homework: ~2h

7. Spring Schedulers (0.5h)

- @Scheduled annotation

- fixedRate, fixedDelay, initialDelay

- using CRON expressions

Homework: ~30min

8. Spring caching (2h)

- Using caching

- EhCache usage and settings

- @Cacheable

- @CacheEvict, @CachePut

- @CacheConfig

- Conditional caching

- Java-based caching

- Spring Data caching

- Spring caching based on EhCache

- EhCache configuration

Homework: ~1h

9. Spring Boot Actuator (1h)

- Actuator endpoints

- Metrics in Spring Boot

- Monitoring and management over HTTP

- Spring Boot Admin management tool

10. Deploying Spring application (1.5h)

- Deploying into Docker (0.5h)

- Deploying Spring application with nginx as a front server (incl. load balancing) (0.5h)

- HTTP caching with NGINX (0.5h)

- Deploying Spring application with nginx - containerized setup with docker-compose (0.5h)

Homework: ~30 min

Total: theory 40h, practice (homework) 12h

Virtual Classroom Delivery

This course is delivered as a Virtual Classroom. Information on course dates and times will be provided when booking.

Certification / Credits


To introduce participants to advanced Spring Framework topics, plus give examples of usage.

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