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Microservice Architecture

24 hours
650 EUR + tax
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Virtual Classroom
24 hours
650 EUR + tax
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Virtual Classroom
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Course description

Microservice architecture (MSA) has recently become one of the most popular architectural approaches, because it provides numerous benefits at different stages of the product life cycle. In particular, MSA allows you to improve reaction time when it comes to business requirements.

Yet, in the process of MSA system development, architects face many challenges which often force those who are new to this field to roll back. Some of them include:

  • Errors in decomposition may make the development much more difficult
  • Performance decreases due to serious network delays
  • Distributed data storage prevents us from using transactional consistency
  • A large number of components communicating over the network reduce the system’s reliability
  • It gets difficult to ensure security

Not to mention that testing and maintenance of a distributed system requires additional efforts. This course will help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of MSA so you can decide on the feasibility of using MSA depending on business needs and team capabilities.

We cover the major challenges related to implementing microservice architecture and provide you with strategies, mechanisms, and patterns to solve them. We’ll also be looking at the most popular tools (such as Kubernetes, Istio, Histryx, Kibana, and many others) used in Microservice architecture.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

Who should attend?


  • Experience in software system development
  • Experience in architecture development or taking part in Key Concepts of Software Architecture
  • Knowledge of DDD or passing the course Domain Driven Design

Training content

  • Architectural styles (2h) Notion of monolith, SOA, MSA. Comparison and selection.
  • MSA decomposition patterns (2h) The optimal microservice size. Splitting into services by business capabilities. Splitting into services by problem domains. Domain identification practices. Decomposition by technical and organizational aspects.
  • Development organization for MSA (1h) Team organization for MSA. Code repository organization for MSA.
  • Integration of microservices (3h) Communication patterns. Synchronous and asynchronous communication mechanisms. Orchestration and choreography. Main protocols and technologies (REST, gRPC, GraphQL, Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc.). Communication with external systems (API Gateway, BFF).
    Reactive systems. Event-driven architectures. Command query segregation.
  • Data handling in MSA (3h) Data handling patterns. Event sourcing. Reference data in MSA. Single source of truth in MSA.
  • Microservice deployment (2h) Deployment pipeline pattern. Deployment patterns. Using Docker and Kubernetes. Using ISTIO mesh. Serverless deployment. Deployment strategies (blue-green, canary, etc.).
  • Strategies of migration from monolith to MSA (2h) Strategies of shifting from monolith to microservices. Strangler monolith. Strangle patterns. Microservice link to monolith. Database migration.
  • Main MSA patterns (9h)
  • Modifiability
    High coupling problem resolution. Versioning of interfaces and events. Types of contracts. Changing event model. Query organization patterns. Microservice chassis. Service mesh
  • Scalability
    Load balancers patterns. Discovery services and patterns.
  • Performance
    Performance patterns in MSA (Bulkheads, Graceful Degradation, etc.)
  • Consistency
    Consistency problems in MSA. CAP theorem. Solving consistency problems. Two-phase commits. SAGA Pattern. Decreasing the consistency level.
  • Reliability
    Fault tolerance mechanisms. Circuit Breaker, Throttling, Dependent Timeouts, and other patterns.
  • Security
    Security mechanisms in MSA. Authentication. Authorization. Perimeter defense. Communication channel defense. Main protocols and patterns (OAUTH2, JWT, Gatekeeper, Valet Key, etc.)
  • Testability
    Testing pyramid and quadrant. Specifics of microservice testing.
    Unit testing. Integration testing. Component testing. E2E testing. MSA testing patterns.
  • Ease of maintenance Observability. Observation patterns (distributed tracing, log aggregation, etc.). Monitoring and logging. Microservice configuration. Configuration externalizing. System support.

Virtual Classroom Delivery

This course is delivered as a Virtual Classroom. Information on course dates and times will be provided when booking.

Certification / Credits


  • Provide an overview of MSA and its relationships with other system architectures
  • Provide an overview of designing MSA systems
  • Practice skills of designing MSA systems.
  • Introduce students to the most popular MSA patterns

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