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Code refactoring for C++

24 hours
600 EUR + tax
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Virtual Classroom
24 hours
600 EUR + tax
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Virtual Classroom
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Course description

Is your source code difficult to read? Do you spend a lot of time trying to understand what the developer wanted to do with a particular code fragment?

If you find yourself in these types of situations, this training will be useful for you. You’ll learn about code smells, why and where they appear, and what techniques are used to remove them. We will start from simple problems in a single function and end with problems of communication between classes. We will also discuss what should and what should not be done to make your code easy to read.

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  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

Who should attend?


  • General basic knowledge of programming
  • Basic knowledge of script languages
  • Understanding code logic flows

Training content

1. Refactoring: Introduction. The notion of refactoring, the purpose of refactoring. Test-driven development [2h theory, 0h practice]

2. Code smells. Overview. Definition of code smell. Good design principles. Code smells in tests, and smells in databases (overview). Smells in architecture, smells in personnel management [2.5h theory, 1.5h practice]

3. Common problems in code. Organizing data. Fields. Data arrays. References and values. Code fields. Simplifying conditional expression. Simplifying method calls. Dealing with generalization. Composing methods. [2.5h theory, 1.5h practice]

4. Smells inside class. Easily discovered problems. Names. Excessive complexity. Duplication. Conditional logic [2.5h theory, 1.5h practice]

5. Moving feature between objects. Single responsibility principle. Cohesion. The Law of Demeter. Moving methods/fields. Extract class. Inline class. Hiding delegates. Remove the middle man [2.5h theory, 1.5h practice]

6. Problems in communication between classes. Data. Inheritance. Responsibility. Adopting changes. Library classes [2.5h theory, 1.5h practice]

7. Refactoring to modern C++ [2h theory, 0h practice]

Virtual Classroom Delivery

This course is delivered as a Virtual Classroom. Information on course dates and times will be provided when booking.

Certification / Credits


  • Understand code smells
  • Discover best practices for improving existing code readability
  • Identify problems in C++ program code
  • Improve readability of C++ source code

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Warsaw Spire, plac Europejski 1
00-844 Warsaw

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