How is Technology Distracting U.S. Workers?

Work distractions due to technology are creating a big impact on the performance of workers. In fact, Udemy's research discovered that over a third of millennials spend 2 or more hours a day on their phones rather than working. Find out how you can help fight these distractions and re-motivate employees!

In recent years cell phones have continued to develop into a technology capable of doing so much more than what they were originally designed for - calling people. In addition companies are continuing to introduce new technologies and tools that are aimed at helping workers perform faster and better. Although these advancements are positive in a lot of ways, these smart technologies have also created many problems in the modern business world. According to the Udemy in Depth: 2018 Workplace Distraction Report, a majority of U.S. workers who get distracted at work blame technology. 

Work distractions due to technology are creating a big impact on the performance of workers. In fact, Udemy's research discovered that over a third of millennials spend 2 or more hours a day on their phones rather than working. In addition, 54% say that they are not performing as well as they should be, 50% say that they're significantly less productive and 20% report that they are unable to reach their full potential or advance in their career due to workplace distractions.

So the question arises - how do you fight these everyday distractions? Udemy has found that workers feel that training is a good way to help refocus them and make them more engaged at work. The ability to try new things, build upon current roles and learn new skills through training is what companies should be promoting for their employees. (Source: Udemy)

What does this mean for professional development?

Companies need to acknowledge the affect that technology may be having on the performance of their workforce. Over 50% of employees claim that they have never approached a manager about problems they are having with distraction in the workplace. Managers need to take it upon themselves to decrease distractions and encourage employee development to start re-motivating their employees. 

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