Podcast: Use Podcasting As Part of Your Authority Boosting Strategy

Learn why podcasting is so powerful for building authority, two strategies for getting started, and what you absolutely must have in place to get big results from your podcasting efforts.

Authority Amplifier Melanie Benson hosts and invites influential guest experts to share essential insights to achieving bold goals on her podcast Amplify Your Success, and she’s talking about using a podcast to establish your authority and create a lead generation machine for your business. Learn why podcasting is so powerful for building authority, two strategies for getting started, and what you absolutely must have in place to get big results from your podcasting efforts.

Listen to this podcast episode here

How Authority Can Change The Game

Authority is a game changer. When people perceive your authority level it makes everything about your business easier.

There are probably lots of different service providers in your niche and people assess authority to help them make a decision. Is the person a credible expert? Do they have influence in the community?

The person with the most perceived authority wins, but authority is in the eye of the beholder. You need to position yourself in the right way so that your audience also understands and believes you’re the expert to follow.

If you’re a best-kept secret, it’s because you haven’t been able to stand out as an authority. All the content in the world won’t help you if you can’t shape your message that conveys your authority and expertise.

How do you use podcasting as your authority boosting strategy?

Podcasting is great for authority building, but one of the most effective strategies you can use is guesting on other people’s podcasts. It’s a great way to connect with a new audience and is something that everyone can do. Podcast guesting is a great way to borrow influence.

Hosting your own podcast is a repetitive and consistent mechanism for building your know, like, and trust factor. Just by being the host of a podcast, you become the lead person and gain implied authority by being a “media” figure.

Guesting on other people’s podcasts is like climbing the authority mountain. Hosting your own podcast is like planting your flag at the top of the summit.

What are some mistakes you can make when podcasting for authority?

If you do your podcast well, it should be the top of your lead generation funnel. One thing to note is that not everybody is ready for a podcast. If you want to elevate your authority, attract a steady stream of new leads and opportunities, and create new collaborations, a podcast is great, but you need to be willing to put in the work on a consistent basis.

The biggest mistake people make is launching a podcast without a marketing plan. There are millions of podcasts and more every day. You need to market your podcast to get traction.

Another big mistake is in not having a call to action as part of your podcast. You need a way to turn listeners into potential customers and that requires an active strategy, not a passive strategy.

How does your circle and sphere and influence affect your authority?

Melanie started her podcast with the goal of helping promote some of the people in her network and help give them some exposure. When you create your own podcast, you need to be clear on why you are doing it in the first place.

When you know why you are putting in the work, then your podcast can become a lead generation and authority building machine. Podcasting can open up a number of doors and opportunities for your business as well.

If you’re going to start your own podcast, there needs to be congruency between the branding, purpose, and name of your podcast and the end goal you are trying to work towards. You may need to rebrand your podcast over time so that it continues to align with your goals.

Your podcast should be designed to help you get what you want.

One of Melanie’s super powers is being able to see the gaps between what a business owner wants and how their podcast is performing in the market. Having an outside perspective can be a big help in getting realigned.

When you’re doing using an authority boosting strategy, and showcase your expertise, you should always go through the exercise of what problem your ideal clients are dealing with and how you can help them solve it. You should have a model that’s unique to you, and when you combine that with your offer, message, and authority you have a powerful position in the market.
