Podcast: How Your Thoughts Create Your Future with Christine Meyer

In this episode Christine Meyer talks about how we feel disempowered by our thoughts & beliefs and how the thoughts we think are like making a reservation for our future.

This week on the Curiosity & Consciousness podcast, Christine Meyer joins me. Christine is a life coach and author of “Keep It Simple, Smartypants! Stop Overthinking. Start Aligning. Live Happy.”

Since 2002 it’s been her mission to empower, educate and uplift. She’s coached unmistakable mavericks in the world – to follow their own compass to design and live the life they want, through the understanding and mastery of the power of their thoughts and alignment with who they truly are.

Listen to this podcast episode here

She is a frequent podcast guest, founding member and regular contributor to the Forbes Coaches Council and is excited to share the fundamental foundations offered to her private clients and in her first of many books.

In this episode, she talks about:

  • Her search for answers.
  • How we feel disempowered by our thoughts & beliefs
  • Why it’s important to check in with how we’re feeling
  • How the thoughts we think are like making a reservation for our future
  • The importance of practice & training
  • How to interrupt & change thought patterns
  • When we feel bad, we’re just bumping into our old wiring
  • Why gratitude is so beneficial
  • Our soul & physical connection
  • The primary relationship in our life
  • Creating more empowering thoughts & affirmations

About the Podcast

The intention of this podcast is to help you to open your mind, get curious about yourself and take radical responsibility for your life. Through introspection and self-inquiry you can connect to your authentic truth and raise your vibration and consciousness levels. You have the power to consciously co-create your life but you need to 'wake up' first.
