Top 7 Reasons for Executive Education [Infographic]

Continuous professional learning keeps you up-to-date and gives your career a competitive advantage. Read on for our top 7 reasons to pursue executive education.


There’s always change afoot in the corporate world. Whether new technologies, social complexities, or thought leadership, senior leaders are expected to adapt to strategic challenges. After all, it’s your business acumen and judgment that will guide your organization forward. 

Executive education training can help. The main purpose of executive development is for leaders to learn from their (and their executive peers’) experiences to improve professional behavior and specific competencies. Whether taken as a certificate or non-certificate course, training is often presented by reputable business schools. 

Continuous professional learning keeps you up-to-date to future-proof your company. Not to mention, it gives your own career a competitive advantage. Read on for our top 7 reasons to pursue executive education. 

#1  Change Your Mindset

Executive education programs broaden perspectives in several ways. These are not classrooms where you sit back and listen passively. The classroom of your high-performing, executive peers is typically engaging and diverse (i.e., function, industry, education). Classmates challenge each other as much as, or even more than, the professors.

Holding your own against varied viewpoints in a “safe space” creates new opportunities for you to think more critically.

#2  Promotability

Moving up in a company means you’ll be managing people and being exposed to functions that are outside your wheelhouse. Your track record might be impressive, but you cannot sit on your laurels. When making a push for a promotion, every little “extra” helps to set you apart from your equally-qualified competition.

Taking part in an executive education program gives you opportunities to grow.

#3  Fill in Skill or Knowledge Gaps

Global innovation is moving along at a swift pace. Executives need proficiency in digital strategies, technological trends, and thought leadership. CRM, AI, design thinking, and cloud computing are examples of what’s important today. Do you know what these are and how they can help your company?

Being able to “connect the dots” can often unlock the next step in your career progression. 

#4  Expand Your Leadership Options

Much like studying for promotability, participating in an executive education program shows the world you’re ready for something more. Perhaps, something different. Executive development allows you to develop more general competencies outside a specific functional area, thereby expanding your options for leadership roles. 

Transitioning from a functional or technical manager into a broader business leadership role is possible through executive development.

Exec Ed

#5  Can Study While Working

Senior leaders are always busy and stretched for time. Exec Ed programs are designed to achieve the most impact within a limited time. Programs exist in a variety of formats and delivery methods to suit your needs:  short courses, modular programs, and full-time intensive programs. 

Selecting the right executive education training  to fit alongside your work and personal obligations, can unlock the door of your professional growth.

#6  Improve Performance

Executive education programs strengthen alignment between senior managers and a company's strategy. Employers understand this basic premise. They know investing in executive development ultimately returns value to the company. Corporate budgets for executive education exist for this reason.

New skills can help you perform your job at a higher level which then becomes a win-win for you and your company.

#7  Grow Your Network

As part of an executive education program, you share the same room and experiences with other high-performing leaders from a variety of backgrounds and industries. Collaboratively debating, working on group projects and cases, and developing new skills with your cohort foster relationships.

Your peers will have a chance to know your personality, aptitudes, and perhaps even aspirations  which sets the stage for future opportunities and contacts.

Read here to discover 10 Popular Topics for Senior Leaders to Consider Right Now

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Picture of Rama Eriksson

Rama Eriksson

Digital Content Editor (more)
Rama Eriksson is a Digital Content Editor at Her writing is complemented by 15+ years as an international marketing professional. She brings her experience and curiosity to connect professionals to the right training to help further their goals. Rama has Masters degrees in both law and business. Originally from the New York area, Rama has lived in Stockholm, Sweden since 2010. (less)


Rama Eriksson is a Digital Content Editor at Her writing is complemented by 15+ years as an international marketing professional. She brings her experience and curiosity to connect professionals to the right training to help further their goals. Rama has Masters degrees in both law and business. Originally from the New York area, Rama has lived in Stockholm, Sweden since 2010.


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