Corporate / Group Training
4.0 (1 Reviews)

Honing & Delivering Your Message

Mainstream Corporate Training, Online (+1 locations)
1 day
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On-site, Self-paced Online, Virtual Classroom
1 day
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On-site, Self-paced Online, Virtual Classroom
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Course description

Honing & Delivering Your Message

This one-day course will prepare participants to develop a message and remain on topic when they are presenting their message to the media and public without straying from the point, or points, they want to make. The final session will give students the opportunity to craft and hone a message of their own.

Learning Objectives

After you complete this course, you will be able to:

  • Effectively communicate a message and deliver a point in all forms of communication.
  • Present ideas to a group or use social media to share a message.
  • Learn how to become a better spokesperson.

Upcoming start dates

Choose between 3 start dates

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  • On-site
  • Canada
  • English

Inquire to learn more about our online and webinar-based training

  • Self-paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Inquire to learn more about our online and webinar-based training

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

Training content

You will spend the first part of the day getting to know participants and discussing what will take place during the workshop. Students will also have an opportunity to identify their personal learning objectives.

What is your message?

In this session, students will learn how to understand what exactly their message is and how to present it. They will also learn how to pinpoint who they should target with that message.

Ways to present your message

Here is where students will look at the various tools available for communicating their message to the world. It will plumb the depths beyond social media channels and then look at routes to travel when using those tools.

Delivering Your Message in a Different Way

Students will discuss the best routes for conveying their message.

Effective Listening

When someone does not understand what you are saying that is not the end of the road, questions present opportunities as shown in this session. Listening effectively gets looked at here as it is an important part of spreading a message.

What is Your Body Saying?

We communicate with more than just words. Gestures can speak volumes so we will look at body language in this session.

Presenting Your Message to an Audience

Throughout the workshop, students will take the skills they have developed during the day and craft a message they wish to communicate, and then share it with classmates.

Workshop Wrap-Up

At the end of the course, students will have an opportunity to ask questions and fill out an action plan.

Course delivery details

This course can be offered in the following formats:

  • On-site
  • Online
  • Webinar

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Serving Over 40 Business Verticals, across North America

98.8% Client Satisfaction, 99% citing they would refer our programs to others

ROI realized by clients as early as the first 3 months post training


Average rating 4

Based on 1 reviews.
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Sonya K.
10 Oct 2019
Honing & Delivering Your Message

Enjoyed this course very much!

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Mainstream Corporate Training
1157 Ouellette Avenue
N9A4K1 Windsor

Mainstream Corporate Training -Engaging Interactive Professional Development

Mainstream is committed to providing quality training that is essential to successful professional and personal growth; our programs help learners maintain a competitive advantage through insightful and effective training topics. Information continues to change and develop our lives, therefore, our mission...

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