Corporate / Group Training
5.0 (2 Reviews)

Generation Gap -Closing the Generation Gap in the Workplace

Mainstream Corporate Training, Online (+1 locations)
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On-site, Self-paced Online, Virtual Classroom
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On-site, Self-paced Online, Virtual Classroom
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Course description

Generation Gap -Closing the Generation Gap in the Workplace

There are currently five generations in the workforce, and employers faced with mass retirements of Baby Boomers are looking for ways to prepare for the changes that will result. This course examines the history and reality of the generation gap.

This course explores whether defining the actual limits of each generation is most important, or whether the merits of people within the context of employment is the bigger issue. Understanding others helps us to understand ourselves and to manage the people that we work with. We will explore problems, solutions, and strategies to help overcome issues of the generation gap.

Learning Objectives

This one-day workshop will teach participants how to:

  • Identify where the generation gap issue surfaces, and the impact it has on the modern workforce.
  • Describe and apply language that is specific to each generation currently in the workplace.
  • Explore organization strategies that overcome gap issues.
  • Evaluate the need and effectiveness of recruiting, retention, and succession plans in context of the generation gap.

Upcoming start dates

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  • On-site
  • Canada
  • English

Inquire to learn more about our online and webinar-based training

  • Self-paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Inquire to learn more about our online and webinar-based training

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

Training content

History in Brief

To begin, participants will look at how the generation gap is defined and where it comes from. Participants will also determine similarities and differences amongst themselves.

Finding Common Ground

As individuals, we have more in common at work than we may think. This session will teach participants how finding things that are in common can be useful when deciding how to approach differences.

Silents, Boomers, Xers, Y’s, and Millennials

This session will look at common generation definitions in an effort to understand their history.

Recruiting that Bridges the Gap

During this session, participants will explore generation-specific factors that affect retention and recruiting.

Pre-Assignment Review

This session will review the pre-assignment and explore common generalizations.

Creative Solutions

During this session, participants will identify targeted ways to appeal to different generations.

The Value of Planning

Participants will learn how succession planning and coaching can increase an organization’s sustainability.

Developing Targeted Retention Strategies

Next, participants will learn how to use the generation gap to their advantage when developing retention strategies.

What We Really Want

To wrap up the day, participants will explore how to make our workplace engaging.

Course delivery details

This course can be offered in the following formats:

  • On-site
  • Online
  • Webinar

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Average rating 5

Based on 2 reviews.
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Wendy D.
11 Mar 2020

I just wanted to let you know that you definitely created an impact the last two days. The staff is singing your praises, the training was a big success. They were impressed wit...

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Wendy D.
11 Mar 2020

I just wanted to let you know that you definitely created an impact the last two days. The staff is singing your praises, the training was a big success. They were impressed wit...

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