Corporate / Group Training

Life Coaching Essentials Workshop

GoldSRD, Online (+1 locations)
1-4 hours
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Virtual Classroom, On-site
1-4 hours
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Virtual Classroom, On-site
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Course description

Life Coaching Essentials Workshop

Many people often mistake a life coach for a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist or a therapist. This misconception often leads people to believe they do not need a life coach since they feel as though nothing is wrong with their mental health. However, a life coach is designed to help improve a person’s professional and personal life by working with them to achieve their goals.

With our Life Coaching Essentials workshop, your participants will discover the meaning of life coaching and how life coaching services can be utilized to achieve their goals.

Get in touch to learn more about our training for your team!

Upcoming start dates

Choose between 2 start dates

Inquire about on-site training for teams

  • On-site
  • Worldwide

Inquire about virtual training for teams

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online

Who should attend?

Business professionals that would like an overview of Life Coaching and Understanding of the Basics (NASBA Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge)

Certification / Credits


  • Determine the purpose of life coaching
  • Define benefits of life coaching
  • Know the tools and techniques for life coaching
  • Outline a life coaching session
  • Know the different areas of life coaching

Why choose GoldSRD?

Professional Trainers that know how to engage everyone

100% Client Retention

280+ full day courses

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2641 Pine Springs Drive
75093 Dallas Texas


GoldSRD is a leading provider of high-quality, interactive professional development. We have over 200 full-day courses on technical capabilities (Internal Audit, Accounting, Finance, IT Audit and Microsoft-Office specific courses) and People-Centric (“soft”) skills. Our Founder, Danny M. Goldberg, is a...

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