Corporate / Group Training
5.0 (2 Reviews)

IT Auditing for the Non-IT Auditor

GoldSRD, Online (+1 locations)
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Course description

IT Auditing for the Non-IT Auditor

In today’s environment, all auditors must become multi-faceted and multi-purposed. Regardless of background, internal auditors must have the basic knowledge of IT Auditing to understand the general concepts, understand IT terminology and how IT Auditing is integral to general auditing. There is no complete view/opinion of one without looking at the other. This course will take auditors through the basics of IT Auditing.

Get in touch to learn more about our training for your team!

Upcoming start dates

Choose between 2 start dates

Inquire about on-site training for teams

  • On-site
  • Worldwide

Inquire about virtual training for teams

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online

Who should attend?

Financial and Operational with any amount of experience that want to further understand IT Auditing (NASBA Field of Study: Auditing)

Certification / Credits


  • Understanding of the basics of IT Auditing, including key terms and acronyms
  • Learn the importance of the IT risk assessment and integration with the audit risk assessment
  • Understand the difference between application controls and general controls and how to identify each

Why choose GoldSRD?

Professional Trainers that know how to engage everyone

100% Client Retention

280+ full day courses


Average rating 5

Based on 2 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy..
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Anonymous Attendee - Web-Based Delivery
29 Aug 2019
Thank you for the great sessions

Thank you for the great sessions over both earlier today and Tuesday. Overall, I thought you did a really good job of explaining the concepts, while not getting overly technica...

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Anonymous Attendee - Boston
17 Sep 2018
The training was very useful

First of all I want to thank you for the training provided, for your energy and for every single explanation given with a lot of patience. The training was very useful, especial...

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2641 Pine Springs Drive
75093 Dallas Texas


GoldSRD is a leading provider of high-quality, interactive professional development. We have over 200 full-day courses on technical capabilities (Internal Audit, Accounting, Finance, IT Audit and Microsoft-Office specific courses) and People-Centric (“soft”) skills. Our Founder, Danny M. Goldberg, is a...

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