Corporate / Group Training
5.0 (3 Reviews)

The Quest for Purpose: a Self-discovery Process to Find It and Live It!

Consulting Resource Group International, Inc., Online (+1 locations)
4 hours
397 - 4,000 USD
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Available for individuals and discounts for teams (+3 start dates)
On-site, Self-paced Online
4 hours
397 - 4,000 USD
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Available for individuals and discounts for teams (+3 start dates)
On-site, Self-paced Online
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Course description

Consulting Resource Group International, Inc.

The Quest for Purpose: a Self-discovery Process to Find It and Live It!

According to Gallup’s recent 142-country study, less than 13% of the global workforce is engaged at work! Why? Simply put, people lack a sense of purpose. But there is an answer to this problem by discovering our purpose and passions which includes our interests, gifts and natural talents. This is not only incredibly enriching and personally meaningful, but it demonstratively increases our fulfillment and success. The Quest for Purpose session is an interactive process that will teach individuals how to discover and live their life “On Purpose” and assist them to help others do the same. Learn about the character traits and mindset of successful individuals - plus you will be given a specific process to confirm your purpose and passions. This dynamic, high-energy session is based on Dr. Ken Keis’s book, The Quest For Purpose: A Self-Discovery Process To Find It And Live It!

This workshop is available in various formats to suit your need. Please inquire for more information.

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Upcoming start dates

Choose between 3 start dates

Worldwide training available for your teams

  • On-site
  • Worldwide

Available for individuals and discounts for teams

  • Self-paced Online
  • Online

Virtual options available for your teams

  • On-site
  • Online

Training content

You will learn:

  • About the global status on employee engagement but also the percentage of individuals who believe they are living On Purpose!
  • How purpose and clarity have been proven to be foundational to high performance and that engagement is nearly impossible without it.
  • That your life is constantly leaving you clues about your passions and purpose but are we paying attention to it.
  • Core mindsets and character traits required to live On Purpose!
  • Be presented a roadmap and system to assist and individuals to live a life full of meaning, significance and purpose.
  • Leave with an action plan


  • Webinar – 180 minutes (Or 4 – 75-90 minute sessions) $3000 (plus materials $100 per person).
  • On-Site Company Specific:
    • Live 4 Hour Workshop - $7500 (plus $100 per person materials) (Limited only by room size).
  • Virtual – E-Learning $4000 –  4 hours (plus materials $100 per person).
  • On-Demand E-Course $397 per person (volume discounts available).

Why choose CRG?

Founded in 1979, now with over 1 million participants in 30 countries in 12 languages

Publisher of 12 different assessments, with an 85% switch rate to our Personal Style Indicator assessment from DiSC, MBTI, True Colors, etc.

CRG certifies other professionals on training content, and their certification training is rated among the Top 10 globally by the Lead 500 Awards


Average rating 5

Based on 3 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy..
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New York Times Bestseller, The Power of Focus
07 Jan 2021
This is where magic happens

Clarifying what you really want in life is a mystery for millions of people around the world.

Discovering your true purpose requires an even deeper level of awareness and under...

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Bestselling Author: Thinking? Answering Life’s Five Biggest Questions
07 Jan 2021
Inspiring Journey

We live in a purpose-confused culture. We all look for purpose but have no idea where to find it. Ken’s new eCourse and book is an inspiring journey of answering life’s greatest...

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30-Year U.S. Navy SEAL; CEO, Fifth Factor Leadership
07 Jan 2021
The Most Practical, straightforward, and user-friendly

The Quest For Purpose is a fabulous eCourse, process and handbook to help each of us attain better self-awareness and to aid us in finding our desired path. To get to where we w...

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Consulting Resource Group International, Inc.
P O Box 418 Main Station A
V2T6Z7 Abbotsford British Columbia

Consulting Resource Group International, Inc.

Consulting Resource Group (CRG) was founded in 1979 with the purpose of providing an alternative to others personality assessments like MBTI, DiSC and others that participants found difficult to understand, use or even invalid. Hence the creation of CRG's Personal...

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