Corporate / Group Training
5.0 (5 Reviews)

Enhance Management and Team Building Using Everything DiSC® Management

APLS Group, Online (+1 locations)
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Course description

 The Everything DiSC Management® Profile + Team Building workshop as an ideal program to engage a management team and facilitate effective team dynamics. This custom course will focus on two areas:

  • Exposure to and understanding of the Everything DiSC Management® Profile
  • A Team Building Simulation

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  • On-site
  • United States of America

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  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online

Training content

Everything DiSC Management® Profile will transform your workplace interactions and career. In this highly interactive learning experience participants learn how their management style influences how they manage time, make decisions, approach problems, and what they need to do to adapt to the styles of others to bring out the best in every employee they encounter.

The program offers a customizable development solution proven to increase the effectiveness of anyone in a management role--whether managing direct reports or the relationship with their own manager. The program focuses learning in five key areas:

  • Understanding DiSC® styles
  • Directing and delegating
  • Creating a motivating environment
  • Developing others with different styles
  • Identifying strategies for working more effectively with managers.

Building upon the DiSC theory, content and experience the participants will focus on practical uses of the material to enhance teamwork. Participants will learn to utilize their styles and strengths to accomplish the intended goal of solving problems using a Team Building Simulation. This interactive experiential exercise will culminate the learning to address a challenge outlined in the simulation. Individual and team strengths will be identified as well as opportunities for improvement.

Throughout the simulation our facilitator will be observing the team interactions and provide feedback and insights during the post-simulation debrief. This will assist the managers in setting goals for how they can interact in the future to increase performance and leadership identity.

Course delivery details

Everything DiSC® Management is available on Catalyst, Wiley’s interactive platform, allowing individuals within an organization to explore in depth their DiSC profile and their co-workers profiles to build better relationships through improved communication. Everything DiSC was designed to increase understanding, acceptance and respect for individual differences and styles and be non-threatening and non-judgmental. 

Why choose APLS Group?

APLS Group has been partnering with clients to design and deliver workshops and programs that engage and elevate the performance of individuals, teams and organizations for 20 years.


Average rating 5

Based on 5 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy..
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01 Dec 2023

Program will help me be a better people leader.

01 Dec 2023

After this training our team will sit down and do some planning/conversing about our different styles.

01 Dec 2023

This program was informative and the facilitator exhibited a creative teaching and development style.

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5540 Centerview Drive, Ste 200
27606 Raleigh NC

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People are your most valuable asset. The performance of your employees and their ability to communicate and cooperate toward shared goals is the most essential ingredient for success in any industry. Investing in these skills yields returns many times over....

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